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Budget Shopping Top 10; Article
Well, I’m sitting here
after a hard, long week of school listening to traditional
Irish/Celtic music. For those of you mildly concerned, we
opened the musical I’m involved in on Saturday and
everything went wonderfully. We played to a sold out crowd
and have one more scheduled performance this coming Monday
(hopefully y’all will be reading this article by the time I
hit the stage).
Anyway, I wanted to expand on something I left hanging a bit
at the end of my last article. I noted that a few cards I
added in my “Adding Money to the Deck” section were “cards
to Invest in”. I want to expand on that and explain some
hard truths about the Pokémon TCG and why investing is so
crucial in a TCG like this.
NOTE: Most of the major concepts I’ll be covering here have
been cover by Dr. Jay Moldenhauer-Salazar in this article on
the Painlands: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=mtgcom/daily/jm133
The Pokémon TCG is created in such a way that Budget deck
builders have a greater advantage in this TCG than any
others IMO. The only exception to ease of Budget building
that I can think of off the top of my head would be Magic:
the Gathering, but that is for a completely different reason
that I plan on covering in another topic.
As it stands, the Pokémon TCG does not reprint many of the
pokémon it creates. This can cause a lot of turmoil for
Budget builders, as they can see the deck they’ve been
working on for months and pwn tournaments with simply rotate
out, losing almost half the cards in their deck and leaving
their ideas in shambles.
How can one prevent this from happening? Well, frankly, you
can’t. Whenever sets rotate out, you’re bound to lose
something. Luckily, Pokémon rotates only once a year and at
around the same time, so you can plan for the rotation. But
after things rotate out, where do you pick up the pieces?
There are some cards I’d like to call Real Estate. These are
cards that have been staples in Modified for a few years
now. Some existed back with the release of Sandstorm and
others have come out recently. Some cards have been around
since the release of some old WotC sets as well.
Most of these cards are a little more expensive than your
normal Budget card. Their the “Rare” uncommons everyone has
been scrambling for since their release and will be
scrambling for for years to come. But these cards a crucial
to making a good deck in the current TCG environement. I’ll
be listing the cards below I think are the best choices in
Real Estate right now, what sets you can find them in, and
(according to PokéGym) how much they’re going for right now.
10. Pidgeot (FRLG)
Price: $5-10
It may seem odd to see this pokémon on the list, but it’s
well worth it right now. Getting it isn’t too hard if you’re
in an area that has some older theme decks, but buying these
babies on their own can be pretty pricey. While this card
will most likely be rotated out after format change, he’s
still indispensable in some Unlimited decks. 2-3 of these is
all you need, but it isn’t quite necessary
TIPS: Find the fire theme deck from FireRed/LeafGreen to get
a hold of this card most easily. Otherwise, you’ll be
trading or paying dearly for it.
9. Rainbow Special Energy (Rainbow, Multi, Double Rainbow,
Holon’s Stage 1s)
Sets: Various (Team Rocket, Aquapolis, Ruby/Sapphire, Legend
Maker)(EX: SandStorm, EX: FR/LG, EX: Emerald)(EX:
Emerald)(EX: Delta Species, EX: Holon Phantoms)
Price: Various ($2-4)($2-3)($3-5)($3-5)
I lumped all these together because they all serve a similar
purpose. If you’re running a TecH pokémon in your deck,
chances are you aren’t planning on attacking with them every
game. But in that random 1:6 game where you need to attack
with a Jirachi to KO your opponent’s active pokémon, rainbow
energies can help. And everyone’s favrote/most hated combo
right now is Holon’s pokémon on Mew ex.
TIPS: Because they cover such a width of the TCG, getting a
hold of some of these cards shouldn’t be difficult,
especially Rainbow and Multi Energy since they’ve been
promos or been around for freakin’ ever. Double rainbow is a
little more difficult and pricy at that. If you’re investing
in these, you’ll probably be buying them one a time time of
the period of about 6 months to counter the hit on your
pocketbook. For Holon’s pokémon, hit up some sealed drafts
at your local League and the upcoming Holon Phantoms
prerelease. You’ll probably run into a few of these in your
round as probably arrange tol trade some of your draft loot
for one of them.
8. Master Ball
Found In: Gym Challenge, Expedition, EX: Deoxys, EX: Delta
Price: $1-3
I was told when I put this card in my deck, that this wasn’t
a Budget card. I had to disagree because it has been printed
in so many sets right now that finding 2-3 copies shouldn’t
be too difficult. It is by no means necessary for all decks,
but having a few floating around couldn’t hurt when it comes
to recovering after a set rotation. I’ve found this card
invaluable during all the Modifieds it’s been legal in.
TIPS: Master Ball is one of those cards that have stood the
test of time. Other Cards like MB would include Oak’s
Research, Warp Point, CopyCat, Pokémon Reversal, Energy
Removal 2, Switch, and anything else from the WotC era that
has been legal in the WotC Modified and NOA Modified. If you
can get a hold of these cards, you should have no problem
ever setting up an at least decent draw and trainer engine.
7. Celio’s Network
Found In: EX: FR/LG, Trainer Kit #2
Price: $3-5
From personal experience, I can tell you that Master Ball is
not a cure all card for pokémon searching. If you’re not
running EXs in your deck (like many players are doing now),
Celio’s is probably a card you’ll want four copies of in
your deck. If you ARE running EXs, you’ll want three and
have the other one of the set lying around in case you build
an EX-less deck. Honestly, with the card part of the Trainer
Kit, it’s going to be around for quite some time now. You
should get this card ASAP.
6. Mr. Briney’s Compassion
Found In: EX-Dragon, OP Series 2
Price: $1-5
On average, you’ll find this card for about $3, which is
more than it’s worth IMO. But it is one of the few Scoop-esque
cards out right now and is worth the investment. As a OP Set
card, it won’t be rotating for some time now. I’ll admit
that not every deck should be running Mr. Briney’s, but
chances are that you’ll make a deck that’ll need them
eventually. I’d suggest a set of 3 as opposed to a set of
four, but that’s just my personal opinion.
TIPS: Keep up on what gets reprinted as a promo card. If
you’ll notice, many of the cards on this list have been or
have a high chance of being reprinted as a promo. If you see
a power card is being reprinted in Promo-land, I’d suggest
finding a few of them before your other friends snatch them
up from in front of your eyes.
5. Scramble Energy
Found in: EX-Deoxys
Price: $5-7.50
Yeah, it’s (darn) expensive. But the advantage of having at
least two of these in your deck is more than worth the cost.
With many Budget decks, getting behind on the prize count
early is a fact of life we all need to embrace and try and
combat. Scramble Energy is one of the cards that can help us
easily comeback from a huge deficit. Just slap it on you big
attacker and swing through whatever you need to. I’ve seen
games turned around from being down on prizes 6-3 and
winning the match at time, ahead on prizes 1-2.
TIPS: Again, drafting is your friend. If you hear of Limited
tourneys in your area, try and attend as many of them as
possible (i.e. until you can’t afford them). You’re much
more likely to grab what you need from these packs as they
passed around the table.
4. Wally’s Training
Found In: EX-SandStorm, EX-Emerald
Price: $1-3
Hey, it helps evolve and is great for deck searching.
Professor Elm’s Training can do the same thing, but this
helps you bypass showing the card to your opponent and
letting them know your plans a turn ahead of time. Wally
also helps you get EXs, something that other evolution
search cards won’t let you do. It’s a great card and a lot
of decks should run this, just probably not to the max.
TIPS: Replacements exist for many cards on this list. I
mentioned PETM in this Supporters blurb, and there are other
draw cards you could use in your deck (like Steven’s Advice,
CopyCat to an extent, and TV Reporter). If you can’t get a
hold of the expensive cards, find the closest replacement.
PETM is the example here, but Wally’s effect is just much
cleaner than PETM.
3. Metal and Darkness Energy
Found in: Neo Genesis, Expedition, Aquapolis, Ruby/Sapphire,
Emeral, Unseen Forces, Delta Species
Price: $3-5
I really debated whether or not to put these on the list
since many players already have access to these, but they
are a little more expensive than most cards and can be
difficult to get a hold of once you get into the game.
But here they are. The “Special Basic” energies. Without
them, your Absol, Steelix, Sneasle, old Rocket’s Zapdos
(with old ruling), and other pokémon just won’t work.
They’re crucial for any deck builder who plans on delving
into the world of Steelix and the Darkness are great for
TecH in any deck that runs Rocket’s pokémon (dark Slowking
anyone?). And they’ve been printed enough (and have been
promos as well) that they should be easy enough to get a
hold of.
Bottom Line: Find 4 of each and have them ready to use
whenever. They won’t rotate out until PUI gets nuked.
2. TV Reporter
Found In: EX-Dragon, OP Series 2
Price: $3-5
Yeah, you knew it was coming. Bill’s Maintenance’s evil, and
more powerful, counterpart. Simply put, most decks should be
running about 4 of these, possibly more. TVR is a highly
powered card and can help eat through your deck at a
breakneck pace, giving you massive card advantage that
really can’t be taken down easily. Substitutes, like Bill’s
Maintenance, exist but TVR’s power is something that isn’t
easily toppled.
TIPS: Power trainers prevail in a format that pushes speed
above all else. Sometime the substitutes that exist can
suffice like PETM for Wally. But TVR runs through your deck
much quicker that Bill’s Maintenance ever will.
1. Rare Candy
Found in: EX-Sandstorm, EX-Emerald
Price: $5-6
If you didn’t see this as the top card either, you just
might be blind (or using a Brail keyboard). This is the one
card that makes almost all Stage 2 decks in the TCG run
properly. I don’t think anyone can really deny the fact that
this card is powerful. However, this card doesn’t just go in
every deck. Medicham and Hariyama EX decks won’t need the
Candy, but anything running a Pidgeot line right now will
run at least 3 Candies, if not 4. Some decks with only Stage
1 evos will benefit from the TecHing of 2-3 Candies into it
so that it can start swinging with its big hitters on turn
1. Rare Candy almost breaks the format to an extent.
TIPS: Some cards you just have to grin and bear it. I’d
highly suggest that every Pokémon TCGer own at least 4 of
these. They’re that good. It almost lost its spot as No. 1
due to the fact that it hasn’t been made a promo yet and
will rotate out after next year’s Worlds. But even if/when
it rotates out, it will still be a much sought after card.
Should you find you’ll never need it again, you can always
trade/sell it for the next big thing. So keep your eye out
for these puppies and trade/pay for them whenever you get
the chance.
That wraps up the list. If you see anything wrong in this
article, email me and I’ll address it in my next article
(which I think is going back to deck fixing, not sure yet).
See ya in a couple weeks as we gear up for pre-releases.
--Cardz Out.