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React-ing and More
Well, I’m going to do a
deck fix this week (after about a month of doing more or
less no deck fixes; more on that later). Just a quick note
about the new deck contest (see last week’s article for more
info): Contests are due by the end of the last match on the
Sunday of Nationals here in the States. So that’s around
5:00 p.m.-ish on July 3, EST.
I’ve really not been getting many decks from y’all and I’m
more or less going to take this week to: 1) Fix my main page
so I don’t keep getting the same email (hopefully) and 2)
Show y’all what I’m looking for in an email. Honestly, some
of the stuff I’ve been receiving lately have been, to steal
a phrase from a famous British Music mogul that William Hung
has had at least one run in with, ghastly. I received this
email a couple of days ago and figured I’d fix the deck and
use it to show you what I’m looking for and not looking for
in an email:
Hello, my name is nick. i have a new deck so just ignore the
(Pokemon 18)
4 Clamperl (Hidden Legends)
3 Gorebyss (Hidden Legends)
3 Magby (Hidden legends) automatically burns when "Full
Flame" is in play
3 Tyrogue (Neo Discovery)
3 Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
2 Dunsparce (Hidden Legends) good for confusing or draw
Trainers (27)
3 Bill
4 Professor Elm
4 Copy Cat
4 Double Gust
4 Full Flame
3 Forest Guardian
3 Bill's Maintenance
2 Professor Oak's Research
Energy (15)
11 Water Energy
4 React Energy
Well, I’m going to do the fix first and address the issues
this email has in my RaNd0m Thoughts later.
Pokemon: The Tyrogue and Cleffa you are using are no longer
Modified legal (more on that later). Also, your deck has two
directions it could go. We could focus on auto-burners such
as Flareon EX and Magmar LM. Or we could go the route of
creating a React energy deck, circling around an already
established set of React energy and Gorebyss in the deck.
Since Flareon EX and Full Flame have had lived in the
limelight since the FlariaDos deck came out, I think we
could take the chance to look at a React-centric build. So
the Magby are out of there as well. I’m going to leave the
Dunsparce since it does serve some purpose and is great for
early card drawing. That said, we’re done with majority of
cuts and we’ll move on to the lines we have left.
I think you mis-labeled the Gorebyss in your email because
you’ve included React energy in your deck. The HL Gorebyss
cannot use React energy, the Legend Maker one can. That
said, three LM Gorebyss is great for this deck. I also think
a set of two Legend Maker Huntail would help as well. It
doesn’t seem intelligent to run 5 evolutions for a line that
only will run 4 basics, but trust me on this. Everything
should be made apparent in the Trainer section.
As for a supporting line of pokémon, I’m adding a 4/3 line
of LM Delcatty. Once the React Energy hit the discard pile,
you’ll be able to use Delcatty to get them back for you.
Very handy, especially considering the fact that you can
only run 4 Reacts.
-all Tyrogue, Cleffa, and Magby (ain’t no lie, baby bye, bye
(ah, to relive the days of ‘Nsync…)
-all HL Gorebyss
+3 LM Gorebyss
+2 LM Huntail
+4/3 LM Delcatty
Trainers: Well, Full Flame is definitely out now since it
serves no purpose in the current deck. Also leaving us are
the now illegal Bill, Professor Elm, and Forest Guardian
(what are you doing running that in ay deck anyway?). For a
final reductions, 4 Double Gust in any deck but a pure
Slashtap is overkill. Drop it to 3.
Now, onto additions. Forest Guardian’s job can essentially
be done by Master Ball, so let’s side in 3 of them. Also,
when you see what I’m adding in the Energy section, you’ll
more than understand the addition of 3 Celio’s Network in
this deck. To round out the card drawing aspect of this
deck, let’s add 2 Rocket’s Admin. for disruption. The card
is a welcome addition in any deck it’s played in.
The final addition to the deck in 4 Surprise! Time Machine.
I rarely suggest you run 4 of a card in your deck unless you
absolutely need it. For this deck, I think you do. Huntail
can easily grab you a react from the deck. Then, you can
Surprise! it out and bring in Gorebyss for 70 for 2 or 3
energy fun. I think it’s a good addition to the deck
personally and will add an unexpected firepower to your
arsenal of tricks.
Now, for a suggestion. I see you’re running 3 Bill’s
Maintenance. While this is OK and a great Budget card, I’d
suggest running 3 Mary’s Request. It will always net you 3
cards with no drawbacks whatsoever. If you don’t have access
to the card, that’s ok. The Bill’s will do their job. But
Mary’s is just better for this deck IMO.
-all Bill, Elm, and Guardian (now illegal)
-all Full Flame
-1 Double Gust
(possible sub: -3 Bill’s Maintenance/+3 Mary’s Request)
+3 Master Ball
+3 Celio’s Network
+2 Rocket’s Admin.
+4 Surprise! Time Machine
Energy: I STRONGLY suggest you get a hold of a set of two
Holon’s Pokémon, preferably the Electrode or Magneton.
They’ll be invaluable for powering up your Gorebyss/Huntail
+1 Water
+2 Holon’s Electrode/Magneton
Here’s the final decklist for ya. Good luck adapting it for
your own playstyle…
4 Clamperl (Hidden Legends)
3 Gorebyss (LM)
2 Huntail (LM)
4 Skitty (LM)(don’t use any other Skitty)
3 Delcatty (LM)
2 Dunsparce (Hidden Legends) good for confusing or draw
4 Copy Cat
3 Double Gust
3 Bill's Maintenance/Mary’s Request
2 Professor Oak's Research
2 Rocket’s Admin.
3 Celio’s Network
3 Masterball
4 Surprise! Time Machine
12 Water Energy
4 React Energy
2 Holon’s Electrode/Magneton
RaNd0m Thoughts…: OK, here’s where I start to rant, in case
you haven’t seen this section in a while. This letter is
pretty stereotypical of what I’m getting these days and I’m
pretty sick of it. Here’s the list of things good about this
+1) Name. Yeah, some deck’s I’ve been getting don’t even
have their owner’s name attached to them. And considering I
ask for some name on my FRONT PAGE (!) this shouldn’t bee
too hard to notice.
+2) All pokémon cards are labeled by set. Trainers don’t
need labeled since their aren’t duplicate trainers, but
there are sometimes as many as ten separate printings of a
pokémon card. I think he mislabeled the Gorebyss in the
decklist, but I was able to figure out the right copy easily
enough. However, sometimes I’ll just get decklists with
Macargos and Enteis and I’m not sure if this is a Neo-on
deck I’m looking at or some new age HL-on deck.
+3) Decklist is sorted well. This one gets a little tedious.
I know you YGO players are used to sorting your lists a
little differently. However, I’m going to post a model list
somewhere so you can see how I’d like lists sent to me.
First, group ALL your trainers, pokémon and Energy together.
Then group pokémon evolution chains together. If you have
time, separate draw trainers from other trainers (I do this
even if you don’t). This guy did a great job of this.
Now, onto the bad parts of this list.
--1) No strategy. Other than the two clips out to the side
of two cards, I’ve no idea what his basic plan of attack is
with his deck. I created one for him, but I like to work
with your ideas instead of completely retooling the deck to
my specifications. I have a feeling Nick may have wanted a
more Full Flame-centric deck, but he can find decks like
that easily if he does a little research…
--2) Asking about Modified.… Which leads into the next
topic. Every other email I get asks me about the current
formats. Please listen:
*clears throat*
On with the rant.
Current Modified is HL-on, meaning that all sets beyond
Hidden Legend (including Hidden Legend) and all POP and PUI
promos are legal for use. Check card lists for old,
reprinted cards you could use (see Masterball, others).
--3) No fix level, area decks, etc. I need to know this to
get the deck going in the best direction for your area.
Trust me, a deck that does well in Ohio will get schooled in
North Carolina. And the NC kid will probably get whipped
with the same deck in New York. Why? Because the metagames
are different and each metagame requires different cards to
survive in.
--4) Punctuation. This is a pet peeve, but question marks
and capitalization exist for a reason people. Please use it…
--5) Emailing things to the wrong account. I edited it out
of the email, but I received an email from this person (and
3 other people) in an account I use for personal business
(bills, private mailings, PayPal, etc.). I don’t need
Pokemon things cluttering that inbox. That’s why I have the
Hotmail address. That said, here are some NEW rules for
mailing me.
1) Mail the Hotmail address, not any of my other addresses.
IF you happen to email the wrong account by mistake just
shoot a quick email back to that account apologizing and
redirect the email yourself.
IF you don’t do this and I get a decklist in my other inbox
(i.e. not in the Hotmail one), you will be BLOCKED from all
my emails. Period. No ifs, ands or buts. I’m sick and tired
of mixed-up emails and I run a hectic enough life as it is
not to sort through extra emails.
For those of you who can’t remember, the address to mail me
your decklists for fixing is Cardz2004@hotmail.com
2) Send me lists with basic strategy and fix levels. It
helps me a lot and you probably won’t get your deck on the
site if you don’t include it. Just a heads up (and I’ve said
this before).
And that’s it. I’m not asking a lot of y’all when you send
me your lists. Just a little organization and everything
will be fine. No article next week, as I’ll be on vacation
in the Myrtle Beach area. I don’t know where I’ll be
personally other than relaxing.
Final note: Get me those Deck Challenge lists in soon. I
can’t wait to see what y’all do with an old classic (see
last week’s article for more info).
Cardz out.