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Hey all. Cardz here with my last article before U.S.
Nationals and information on articles to come. Today, we’re
going to look at a deck that’s by someone trying to get back
into the game again. Enough chit-chat, let’s get down to the
Hey there, Cardz-sama. I've been reading some of your deck
reviews on pojo's, and seeing that you've got a lot of
talent for this, I was wonder if you'd give me a hand with
my new deck.
You see, I used to play the game years ago. I'm talking the
Base/Jungle sets here, back when things first started out,
and I was a little bit younger. Well, now my friends are
playing in Modified tournaments, and I'd like to join! But
my old cards aren't legal anymore. How sad...no more Damage
Swap from Alakazam, I suppose. This leaves me with the
intimidating task of sorting through all the new cards, and
putting together a good deck that I would hope to give even
the champs a run for their money. So, here's what I have so
far, and I'll do my best to follow your submission format.
"I Hate Benches!"
Pokemon: 23
4 Seedot (Legend Maker #61)
3 Nuzleaf (Hidden Legends #45)
1 Shiftry (Hidden Legends #14)
2 Natu (Sandstorm #69)
2 Xatu (Unseen Forces #49)
3 Murkrow (POP Series 1 #8)
3 Rocket's Sneasel (Team Rocket Returns #103)
2 Ralts (Ex Emerald #61)
2 Kirlia (EX Ruby and Sapphire #34)
1 Gardevoir Delta (EX Delta #6)
Trainers: 19
3 Celio's Network
2 Lanette's Net Search
2 Steven's Advice
3 TV Reporter
2 Lady Outing
2 Energy Charge
2 Switch
2 Rare Candy
1 VS Seeker
Energy: 18
10 Psychic
5 Darkness
3 Rainbow Energy
From the cards that I've seen, I'm especially drawn to
bench-killers (hence, the title); Nuzleaf especially, with
his 40-damage attack, which translates into 50-damage with a
genuine Darkness energy card attached. The Seedot I've
chosen should make sure I have the energy necessary for it,
provided it doesn't get knocked out first since it likely
won't be attacking without a Rainbow energy card. Xatu and
Murkrow do a little bit of the same. Gardevoir Delta does
something similar, but it might only be useful after its
taken some damage.
I should note, something akin to the old 'Gust of Wind'
trainer card would help, but I can't seem to recall what a
more modern version of it might be; just something to
rearrange the opponent's Pokemon from defending to benched
and let my bench-killers prey on suitable targets.
Other than that, I'm afraid most of my Trainer cards will be
fairly standard. My old deck used Energy Removals, but the
newer versions aren't quite as fun. Rocket's Sneasel was
thrown in because of a recommendation, and the fact that it
would work well with the rest of my Dark Pokemon.
This will be a Modified deck (that's what most tournaments
are, isn't it?), and I have high access to cards via the
blessed internet.
I'm not sure what the top decks are around here, since I'm
just getting back into the game.
Feel free to pick things apart...I'm not that attached to
anything here. Thanks!
Simon Winters
Hmm…other than bench damage, this deck has no real theme.
And, overall, the deck has little focus. Let’s whittle down
some of these cards are get this deck working a little
Pokemon: Youch. There’s a lot there and not a lot of focus.
The first thing that came to mind for me was actually two
things: 1) Go the route of creating a Gardy d deck or 2)
Throwing in a set of 3 Giant Stump and focus on bench
detruction. You’ve already got a strong Darkness theme
going, so I decided I’d spend my time there and pop in the
Giant Stump. But we won’t talk about that until the trainers
So, with the small bench theme established, Gardy d and all
its cohorts [legal and illegal (I’m looking at you Kirlia
RS)] are out. And, with the psychic Delta Species fiend,
Xatu is getting the boot to. We definitely need to focus on
one color and having Xatu in with the other cards I’ll be
putting in is a bad idea.
Now for some additions. The first thing in is a 3/2/3(2-1)
line of Dark Tyranitar in the deck, using 2 Spinning Tail
and 1 Sand Damage. These cards will continue the bench
damage theme while also supporting the Dark subtheme. I’m
also tossing in 2 Shiftry DX since you’ll almost always have
a Stadium in play, thus triggering the +20 on his second
attack. Not to mention, this gives you a semi-GOW effect.
There is no direct targeting GOW effect on cards except for
one I’ll be mentioning below.
To conclude this section, I’m dropping 1 Rocket’s Sneasel EX
and 2 Murkrow. Honestly, the Murkrow is only OK and not a
big addition to the deck. And, with the drop of Darkness
creatures, the Sneasel can go down a notch to make room for
the better cards.
-all Gardevoir d line
-Xatu line
-1 Rocket’s Sneasel EX
-2 Murkrow POP1
-1 Seedot
+3/2/3 Dark Tyranitar
(2 Spinning Tail, 1 Sand Damage; Dark Pupitar with Explosive
+2 Shiftry DX
Trainers: Stump established, let’s look at the rest of this
Trainer line. Lady Outing gets the boot automatically since
it will only net you one card (remember: BASIC energy, not
just Energy). Energy Charge also takes the boot for being
too flippy and, if your deck is working right, you shouldn’t
need to get energy back. VS Seeker also gets the boot as
As for addition, 2 more Rare Candy go in because of the
amped lines of Pokémon along with a 3-set of ATM: Rock. I
know this is a pretty establish combo (Dark T-Tar/ATM:R),
but it works. And it also works well with this deck. With
Giant Stump, Steven’s Advice needs to be replaced with
another card. And, since we are running a single Shiftry HL,
I think CopyCat is an excellent choice.
-Lady Outing
-Energy Charge
-Steven’s Advice
+3 Giant Stump
+2 Rare Candy
+3 ATM: Rock
+3 CopyCat
Energy: Darkness is a Special energy card, so we have to
drop one of the them. If we didn’t have to, I’d say take it
much higher, but this has been the rule since day one of the
Pokemon TCG. The basic energy used is going to reflect the
new direction of the deck, splitting evenly between Grass
and Fighting. I was debating whether or not to go with a
concentration in one area or not, but with the even split,
you should be able to get what you need through the draw
cards. And don’t worry about attaching a (G) to a Larvitar
or (F) to Shiftry. Things should work out.
-1 Darkness (only 4 allowed due to Specialty of Energy)
-all (P) energy
+5 Fighting
+5 Grass
Here’s the revised decklist. Enjoy!
4 Seedot (Legend Maker #61)
3 Nuzleaf (Hidden Legends #45)
1 Shiftry (Hidden Legends #14)
2 Shiftry (DX)
1 Murkrow (POP Series 1 #8)
2 Rocket's Sneasel (Team Rocket Returns #103)
3 Larvitar (RR; Dig Drain)
2 Dark Pupitar (Explosive Evolution)
3 Dark Tyranitar (2 Spinning Tail, 1 Sand Damage)
3 Celio's Network
2 Lanette's Net Search
3 CopyCat
3 TV Reporter
2 Switch
4 Rare Candy
3 Ancient Technical Machine: Rock
3 Giant Stump
Energy: 18
5 Grass
5 Fighting
4 Darkness
3 Rainbow Energy
(Not so) RaNd0m Thought…: OK, so this is my announcement I
give about every year at this time. Normally I give it after
Worlds with the format change, bit it needs to come earlier
this year. So, here it is:
1) I’m going to be stopping deck fixes after Nationals this
year UNLESS I qualify for Worlds. If I qualify for Worlds at
US Nationals next week (which is more than a long shot, just
ask those who have been), then I’ll be doing a few Worlds
prep articles along with a possible deck fix. But if I don’t
qualify, then I’ll be dropping out of deck fixing until
probably after City Champs.
The reason behind this is as follows: format changes create
a maelstrom of ideas and changes that no one deck mech can
help fix. We have our ideas of where the format is head,
yes. Heck, I think I’ve even got a pretty good guess as to
what is going to be used in deck a few months from now
(that’s an upcoming article; be on the lookout for that soon
after Worlds with the format change). But I can’t accurately
help with the fine tuning required for fixes since no
metagame is established yet in ANY area. Sure, there are
pretty good predictions. But no one can perfectly predict
what’s to come.
Now, that doesn’t mean I’ll be completely gone. I’ve been
working off and on on an article for some time and am going
to dedicate a full month to writing this article after Nats
(if no Worlds trip comes). It should be on a topic a few of
you know about, so its nothing earth shattering. But its
going to be pretty in-depth, so it should be a great read
for anyone.
2) Unassociated from the above topic is the announcement
NATIONALS!!!! In the immortal slang of the internet:
w00tZorZ! My plan is this: I’m going to do a live diary of
all I experience at Origins, giving a daily recap of
everyone I meet, what major things I do, and what I end up
investing in gaming-wise. Hopefully it’ll be a good log of
what someone planning on coming to Origins next year couple
expect. Granted, everything listed will be only ONE person’s
experience, but you’ll at least get a decent idea.
Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for reading and see you at
Cardz out.