>i call it the "phych swap"
>i need help with my deck please help me make it better and i also need
>rated i have
>1 ancient mew
>4 kadabras
>4 jynx
>3 drowzees
>3 abras
>2 alakazams
>1 fossil gastly and 1 basic gastly
>1 basic mewtwo and 2 movie promo mewtwos
>2 clefairys
>1 fossil gengar
>2 basic haunters and 1 fossil hainter
>4 plus powers
>3 gust of winds
>1 defender
>2 bills
>2 energy retrieval
>1 energy removal
>20 psychic energys
>can you please tell me how to make it better
Arg. What you're seeing here is Spike's charitable streak kicking in. This deck
needs some serious work. Anybody who's watching who's thinking of sending me a
deck... get yo' pencils and paper out and take some notes.
1) You're going for a damage swap theme, as indicated by the name and by the
presence of Alakazam. Actually, your Alakazam family is the only thing that
makes any sense here (and that's if you accidentally switched the numbers of
Kadabra and Abra, which I fervently hope you did.) I want to try and keep some
elements of your original deck, so how shall we make this work? I like the idea
of an Alakazam/Haunter damage swap deck, so let's take that and run with it.
Gengar will not be included, as two Stage 2's tends to be a bit much.
After taking out everything but a 4-3-2 Alakazam evolution and a 3-2 Haunter
line (all ghosts should be Fossil), toss in a few Chanseys for damage absorption
and a couple Mewtwos for heavy hitting. That should about do you up. This is
beginning to look a lot like the last deck I fixed, but let's face it, decks
with Base Alakazam in them tend to develop along the same lines. You're about
Oh yes... did I mention you should TAKE OUT ANCIENT MEW??! I do NOT want to see
this guy. He's a 30 HP who retreats for 2, chances are he won't even live long
enough to use his attack, and (worst of all) putting him in makes you look like
a little kid who'll put anything in his deck that's a) shiny, b) a promo, or c)
"cool" (such as Mew or Pikachu.) Not to say there couldn't be a good
use for him... but I haven't thought of it yet. Of course, Spike is rarely the
first to think up new tech, so I'll just keep my big hole shut for right now...
2) I see that you have no card drawing. This is bad. You will put card drawing
in right now. Actually, why don't you rip EVERYTHING out and put in the
following trainers (take careful notes here):
3 Bill
3 Oak
2 Computer Search
2 Item Finder
This, I find, is a very solid Trainer base for any deck that can be tweaked
further based on the deck's specific needs. For example, here you'll want Scoop
Up, Breeder and NGR, as well as probably Switch to save Alakazam's 3-retreat
rear end from enemy Gusts. Can you tell I've already fixed a similar deck this
3) Energy is, as always, ridiculously easy. Unless you see a reason for Full
Heal energy and such, we're going with 4 DCE and the rest psy.
17 Pokemon:
4 Abra
1 Kadabra
2 Alakazam
3 Gastly
2 Haunter
3 Chansey
2 Mewtwo
22 Trainers:
3 Bill
3 Oak
2 Computer Search
2 Item Finder
2 Switch
3 Scoop Up
2 Pokemon Breeder
21 Energy:
17 Psychic Energy
Note that there are a few differences from the other deck (Psycho Fuse.) Readers
are encouraged to give both fixes a quick read. Anyway, this deck is vastly
improved. I hope you picked up on some of the concepts I was using and
understood why I did some of the things I did. I may yell and act all annoyed,
but I really want to help people get a better understanding of how to construct
good decks and play the game well. Good luck!
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