Hello, and welcome back to TR Shadows underground hideout! Today I'm looking at a Sniggly Weasel hay without the sneasels =D.
----- Original Message -----

> this is for standard (or unlimited, whatever you like to call it =P)
> Pokemon (15)
>         3 Rocket's Zapdos
>         3 Jigglypuff
>         3 Wigglytuff
>         3 Cleffa
>         1 Magby
>         1 Pichu
>         1 Tyrogue
> Trainers (28)
>         4 Super Energy Removal
>         4 Professor Oak
>         4 Computer Search
>         3 Professor Elm
>         3 Gust of Wind
>         3 Gold Berry
>         3 Item Finder
>         2 Nightly Garbage Run
>         2 Energy Stadium
> Energy (17)
>         7 Lightning Energy
>         4 Metal Energy
>         3 Recycle Energy
>         3 Double Colorless Energy
> this is a basic semi-haymaker deck. no real strategy involved other than do damage as fast as you can! i need to add pluspowers, but i don't know what to take out. i need pluspowers due to the fact that zapdos w/metal does 60, and so does wiggly, just barely enough for 70 hp haymakers to avoid. please help!
> --

This looks like a pretty good Haymaker. Only a few things need to be changed.
Pokemon (15)
  3 Rocket's Zapdos
  3 Jigglypuff
  3 Wigglytuff
  3 Cleffa
  1 Magby
  1 Pichu
  1 Tyrogue
If the deck is based around Zappy and Wiggly you need to max out on at least zappy and Jiggly.  Normally I would suggest putting in another Cleffa but for this deck three cleffas is enough because there's already so much draw power in the trainers.  Don't do anything with them.  Take out Magby because we already have a Pichu for TecH.  Add another Tyrogue.  Now you should have something like this:
Pokemon (17)
  4 Rocket's Zapdos
  4 Jigglypuff
  4 Wigglytuff
  3 Cleffa
  1 Pichu
  2 Tyrogue
Trainers (28)
4 Super Energy Removal
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
3 Professor Elm
3 Gust of Wind
3 Gold Berry
3 Item Finder
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Energy Stadium
Nice trainer supply! Only problem I see is that you shouldn't play 4-3 on Oaks and Elms without time capsules.  Why not ditch an Oak and an Elm and play 3-2. If you need room for pluspowers then trade 1 SER and 1 gold berry for 3. Now your trainer supply should look something like this:
Trainers (28)
1 Super Energy Removal
3 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
2 Professor Elm
3 Gust of Wind
2 Gold Berry
3 Item Finder
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Energy Stadium
3 pluspower
Energy (17)
7 Lightning Energy
4 Metal Energy
3 Recycle Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
The only change I would make would be to take out 1 metal energy; only because if you don't then you'd have a 61 card deck =D .
Hope this functions much better now!
~TR Shadow~