Hey Martin I need u to fix my fable deck if it aint to much trouble i think u know how it works here it is

1xBrocks Mankey

3xComputer Search
3xItem Finder
2xGold Berry
1xTime capsule
4xDouble Gust

4xRecycle energy
4xDouble Colorless
6xFighting Energy


**Crickity-Crackity-Smackity Door Opens**

Welcome back to Martin's Mansion.

Looks like today we will work on a Clefable deck, so lets get BiiiiZaY!

Again with the 59 Card decks..


Four Cleffa. Wow, this kid did his homework =D. I like that, we also have a 3/3 Clefable line which will also work because with so much draw power were gonna get it's all this deck will need. What I also like about playing Clefable is, is that you have a way out of a game winning mean look with the Clefairy.

As I look at your supporting Pokemon, I see that you put great thought into this. Scyther and Gligar are good at covering Clefable's back from fighting Monsters. Also, they can dish out damage against cards that normally Metronome won't do a thing to, such as other Clefables.

With that said, I must say that Gligar isn't the best fighting choice for this deck. You already have Scyther to cover Clefable's weakness, so in Gligar's place I will put Tyrogue. Yes, I know all of you are sick of seeing me put this card in so many fixes, but it's one of the most well rounded cards in the game. In my opinion, Tyrogue contends with Cleffa as the best baby card. Although, it will never win. =)

Since we have 3 free spaces, 2 went to Tyrogue, we have 1 more. That my friend will go towards another Scyther.

I assume that Mankey is the TAUNT Mankey. Which is nice tech against Slowking.

1xBrocks Mankey


Once again, you did a great job here. There are only a few things here and there you need to patch up. The heavy removal line works great with Clefable, especially since you play the Recycle which is great with Super Energy Removal.

Trade the Time Capsule for a nightly Garbage run, it will benefit your opponent too much, and with so many trainers you play, it isn't worth the cost.

Play a Narrow gym, you need some sort of default. Also, I put 3 Focus bands for Sneasel. They can normally 1 hit KO you, but now you have a 50% chance of dealing them that prize winning Beat up attack right back at them!

Finally, trade 2 Double Gusts for 2 Regular Gust of wind. Double gust is nice with Clefable because it works like a switch and your gust at the same time. I recommend 2 regular gusts also just incase you have something heavily damaged bench, nor cant pay for the attack of a clefable *rolls eyes*.

3xComputer Search
3xItem Finder
3xFocus Band
1xNightly garbage run
2xGust of wind
2xDouble Gust
1xNarrow Gym
1xScoop Up


Good, the double colorless is great with Clefable and Scyther especially. Since we no longer play Gligar, we will switch the fighting energy to grass. This will pay for Swords dance in the rare case you need to use it.

4-Recycle Energy
5-grass (I dropped 1 basic energy for the default Gym)

That ought do it. Good luck with this deck.

For everyone else, have a happy rest of summer.
