
    Hey Ness.  I play in an all Haymaker store, where everyone plays Magmar, Electabuzz and Hitmonchan. I tried a Rain Dance, and it did okay, it's just that if I can't get what I need and evolve early I lose.  No one at my store plays Lass, or Rocket's Sneak Attack. Is there a way to take advantage of this?  Electabuzz is also a problem because of Blastoise and Squirtle's weakness.

11 Pokémon
4x Squirtle (R)
3x Blastoise
4x Articuno

28 Trainers
4x Professor Oak
4x Computer Search
4x Item Finder
4x Pokémon Breeder
3x Bill
3x Nightly Garbage Run
2x PlusPower
2x Energy Flow
2x Pokémon Center

21x Water Energy

You have lots of drawing to get Blastoise out, the Energy Flow/Pokémon Center is a good idea, and PlusPowers give Blastoise a way to get one turn knockouts against hay basics. But if people aren't playing Lass, or Rocket's Sneak Attack, Rain Dance can become unstoppable. You need to play a promo in your deck. Read below.

Even if there is no Lass or Rocket's Sneak Attack, Squirtle is a first turn loss against many basic. Put in two Wooper, they have resistance to lightning, to fight back at Electabuzz. Also, add two Chansey, and take out an Articuno. This should help back up your Squirtles.

Alright, wondering how to take advantage of no Lass or RSA? Computer Error!! If a Haymaker has a 10+ card hand, it still will do pretty much the same thing, just attach one energy a turn. If a Rain Dance has a 10+ hand, the Rain Dance can get a Stage 2 out and attach as much water energy as necessary on turn one! Max out on Computer Errors. Try to play them first turn, unless you're playing against Lass deck, just try to work with what you have. If they can't Lass you after you Comp Error, you can Breeder turn two, fill up a Blastoise, or Articuno, maybe both, and they won't stand a chance. Add an EcoGym so Energy Removal is pretty much useless against you when you have Blastoise out. You can take out an Oak and a Comp Search, because of Comp Error giving you 5 cards. 4 Breeder is more than enough, go down to 3, and get one Gust of Wind in your deck. The 3 Nightly we started with was too much, but now we've made it enough because we have less energy and a lot more drawing. Take out a Bill for a Mary to get useless Breeders back so you can get them you need them,

Go down to 15. The reason this low amount works is because of Computer Error, the excessive drawing, and the 3 Nightly.

14 Pokémon
4x Squirtle (R)
3x Blastoise
3x Articuno
2x Wooper
2x Chansey

31 Trainers
4x Computer Error
4x Item Finder
3x Professor Oak
3x Computer Search
3x Pokémon Breeder
3x Nightly Garbage Run
2x Bill
2x PlusPower
2x Energy Flow
2x Pokémon Center
1x EcoGym
1x Gust of Wind
1x Mary

15 Energy
15x Water Energy

This should work just fine. Watch out for Lass. If anybody plays at a store where it's all Hay, and no Lass/RSA, try this deck.