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Hello hello! =D
2002 is now upon us...which means that according to many experts, we're
going to die two years ago. ;x
*cough*...okay! Decks! Decks to fix!
Being a non conformist, I've been trying to make a deck that can beat as
many modified archtypes as possible without using another archtype. Having
seen LotR, I finally thought of a good name for this deck and a good qoute
for what I want this deck to do with archtypes. "One deck to rule them all"
Pokemon: 14
4 Houndour (fire)
3 ND Houndoom
4 Blaines's Ponyta (50 hp)
3 Blaine's Rapidash
Trainers: 26
2 Ecogym
1 Erika
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
2 Gold Berry
4 Berry
2 Mary
2 Poke Breeder Fields
3 Professer Elm
2 Miracle Berry
2 Moo Moo Milk
3 Nightly Garbage Run
Energy: 20
16 Fire Energy
4 Darkness Energy
I have yet to test this thing out yet, but I figure that Ecogym with the
crunch/flamethrower combo can stop Gatr, Slowking gets stopped by darkness,
and Steelix/Crobat decks get beat by their weakness against fire. I do need
a lot of help with the trainers, since I dont have a clue what to use
because modified rules banned all of the core trainers.
Hmm...let's see...
The Pokémon
We need some more Pokémon...desperately. =/ First, let's change one ND
Houndoom to a NR...very scary monster, that one. Next, nix the Moo Moo Milk
and the Miracle Berry for three Cleffa and a Murkrow. That should do.
The Trainers
Next, ditch the Berry for three Professor Oak and a Computer Search. Nix the
Erika and one NGR for two more Computer Search. Kill two Professor Elm for
another Oak and a Computer Search. Finally, kill the two Pokémon Breeder
Fields and two Mary for four Itemfinder. Finally, kill one NGR for a single
Misty's Wrath. Looks good.
The Energy
Not much to do...kill three Fire Energy for three DCE.
This deck looked good to begin with. Very, very nice idea, my man. Keep it
up. :-) Good luck and happy gaming!
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