The Lady's Deck Fixes # 27

Deck Name: -None-   Comments:

I don't work very much with Haymakers-but this seems to be a
fairly well constructed deck. You didn't send me a deck strategy or concept
though, so I don't really know what it is you want to DO with this deck.
Let me know if the suggestions I made helped.


One suggestion I have for you is to add another Jigglypuff and another Wigglytuff to your deck. Adding them will give you a better ratio of Pokèmon. Also, since you only have one, you might think of removing the Promo Mewtwo.

16 POKÈMON (16)


3 Electabuzz
2 Scyther
-1 1 Promo Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
2 Jynx
+1 2 Jigglypuff
+1 1 Wigglytuff
-1 1 Kangaskahn
2 Jungle Pikachu


Your trainers look fine to me. You might consider though, that your SER's are going to cost you some of your precious energy. You don't have a whole lot of it, and so you might consider putting in some energy retrievals.
4 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
4 Plus Power
3 Energy Search
2 Bill
2 Professor Oak
2 Gust of Wind
2 CPU Search


Take out some energies to make your deck legal.

You might beware of running into Energy Denial decks-they could be troublesome for you.




10 Electric


13 Psychic

-1 04 DCE