Chan / Wiggly
I've been playing this deck for a while, but Hitmonchan really isn't doing that much. Is there a better Pokémon to use? Help me out, Jason, please.
--- Pokémon (15) ---
4x Jigglypuff
3x Wigglytuff
3x Hitmonchan
3x Scyther
2x Cleffa
--- Trainers (31) ---
4x Professor Oak
4x Computer Search
3x PlusPower
3x Rocket's Sneak Attack
3x Item Finder
3x Gust of Wind
3x Mary
2x EcoGym
2x Lass
2x Scoop Up
1x Professor Elm
1x Nightly Garbage Run
--- Energy (14) ---
7x Fighting
4x Double Colorless
3x Recycle
You can get an attacking Wiggly going on turn 2 if you Sneak Attack their drawing and Removal, you don't focus but still have the Cleffa/Lass combo, I like that, and you have Lass to strengthen your advantage if you have to when you get Wigglytuff out. I see you're trying to protect your Pokémon from removal with EcoGym, too. Well, we've got some changes to make.
Yes, there is a Pokémon that works better with Wigglytuff. It's Rocket's Zapdos. While Wigglytuff may be vulnerable to removal, this thing is great against it, with Plasma. It can power up and sacrifice itself to get those last few prizes you may need to win the game. Let's change the Hitmonchans to Rocket's Zapdos.
Since you have drawing and lots of PlusPowers, you probably should add the one dreaded Erika's Jigglypuff. This thing can take out 70 HP basics first turn for the most annoying type of win in Pokémon. Drop a Scyther, then, to stay at 12 basic. I think everything else is okay.
As for your trainers, you've got a few things mixed up. First off, I can't stress this enough: Play 4 PlusPowers in a Wigglytuff deck.
Also, EcoGym is good, but it's not going to help protect your double colorless, which you need to protect, as you can only play 4. Besides, now that we have Zapdos, your lightning will be easy to get back. Play 2 No Removal Gym instead.
A lot of people like Scoop Ups in Wiggly, I think Switch would work better in this deck. It protects Wigglytuff from status effects and when it is Energyless can protect it from getting knocked out.
Okay, I know Neo has fun cards, but don't take out all your Bills for Mary. If you want, play 1, and 2 Bills. Just get the 2 cards. You have Cleffa to get cards back in.
Since we have Zapdos, which can take 40 from attacking, and since it can protect Wiggly, I don't think one Gold Berry wouldn't hurt. (1 can make a difference, especially with so many Item Finders.)
Don't play the Elm, Cleffa can do the same thing, anyway, and the 3rd Gust isn't necessary. 2 should work fine.
14 is a good amount, but I think we should get rid of the Recycle Energy, or at least 2, for 2 Full Heal Energy. That really makes Wigglytuff hard to get rid of. And of course, change the fighting to lightning. That's it.
--- Pokémon (15) ---
4x Jigglypuff
3x Wigglytuff
3x Rocket's Zapdos
2x Scyther
2x Cleffa
1x Erika's Jigglypuff
--- Trainers (31) ---
4x Professor Oak
4x Computer Search
4x PlusPower
3x Rocket's Sneak Attack
3x Item Finder
2x Gust of Wind
2x Bill
2x No Removal Gym
2x Lass
2x Switch
1x Mary
1x Gold Berry
1x Nightly Garbage Run
--- Energy (14) ---
7x Lightning
4x Double Colorless
2x Full Heal Energy
1x Recycle Energy
There it is, good luck with the deck.
Jason (Ness) Klaczynski