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Sludge Stop - Advanced
Hello, my name is Chris. Since your new I thought
you might actually fix my deck. I didn't steal this
deck off anywhere and I guess I'll call it Sludge Stop.
Oh yea. I've already fixed this deck, but maybe
you'll do something different. Thankfully my older
brother could beat it, since no one else could (That's why
I fixed it). But please fix it your way, and if you
want to know how I fixed it then just ask. Here it
2 Cleffa(Neo)
3 Clefairy(Neo)
3 Clefable
3 Scyther(Jungle)
2 Chansey
3 Grimer(Fossil)
3 Muk
4 Erika
3 Imposter Oak's Revenge
2 Professor Oak
3 Professor Elm
4 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Gust of Wind
3 Switch
2 Resistance Gym(Tech)
4 Recycle Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
6 Grass Energy
So this is my deck please fix it.
Well this looks like a good deck already and could very
easily be played as is, but lets see if I can't Help it
out some anyway.
The Pokemon: well rounded and all good choices but lets
play with the numbers a bit. Three Cleffa! What can I say
its too good and can help out so much there is no reason
not to play 3. Three Scyther? Well, I haven't liked
Scyther for a few months now but I know he is not to bad
and the colorless attack helps a lot, but I still have to
drop 2 of them, 1 for the Cleffa and 1 for a Tyrogue (to
help vs. other Chanceys and Clefables ). If you don't like
the coin flip play Gligar instead. a 3-2 Muk line will
work fine so drop 1 Muk.
The Trainers: The trainers need help here the
Erika/Imposter Oak's Revenge combo needs Rocket's Sneak
Attack to be use full and takes up more room than you have
so lets drop all the Erika's and Imposter Oak's Revenge.
Hmm I can't see the reason for the Resistance gym other
than Scyther or Muk Vs Steelix and we dropped all but 1 of
the Scythers and the Muks will be bench warmers when I am
done, so drop the Resistance Gyms. Drop one Switch 2 is
plenty. We have to add Computer Search and Item Finders,
Lass will help you also, add 3 of each. The 3/3 Oak/Elm
rule works well in here so add one more Oak. Add in the
fourth Super Energy Removal pounding your opponent with
them and Muk stopping Slowkings will give you a big
advantage. One Nightly Garbage run will help also. Gold
Berry will help keep your Pokemon alive and give Chancey a
chance to stay alive for another hit. One Healing Field to
counter any other gyms you need to, I would add 1 more Gym
but I am running out of room.
The Energy: OK the grass is gone, the Muks attack is not
worth it and you have the Clefables and Chanceys to do the
attacking. The 4/4 Recycle/Double Colorless works great in
this deck. Now lets add 3 Metals, They work great with
Chancey, They can also be used by the Clefables to copy
say Base Set Arcanine's Take Down attack or just put them
on your Cleffa's to stall. Three will be fine.
Pokemon: 18
3 Cleffa(Neo)
3 Clefairy(Neo)
3 Clefable
1 Scyther(Jungle)
2 Chansey
3 Grimer(Fossil)
2 Muk
1 Tyrogue
Trainers: 31
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Professor Oak
3 Professor Elm
3 Lass
4 Energy Removal
4 Super Energy Removal
3 Gust of Wind
2 Switch
2 Gold Berry
1 Healing Field
Energy: 11
4 Recycle
4 Double Colorless
3 Metal
This deck is now faster and more reliable because of the
Computer Searches and Item Finders. Your Chancey's have
more options with the Gold Berries, Healing Fields and
Metal Energy. The Lasses and extra Super Energy Removal
help your Defense.
Jeremy Borchardt
Winner of the 2001 ECSTS 15+
Top 16 at the 2001 WCSTS 15+
Top 100 DCI player
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