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Satoshi's Shop

Hello all! Deck fix time. =/
hey satoshi i built new deck and could you please paste the final copy of
the deck afterwards.


3 Phanpy
3 Donphan
3 Swinub (Revalation)
3 Piloswine (Revalation)
3 Ditto
2 Hitmonchan
2 Chansey
1 Cleffa (for cheap efficient drawing power, and only one is used so there
isn't a big risk of losing a prize)

Trainers 20

4 Gold Berry
4 Comp. Search
2 Bill
3 Oak
3 No Removal Gym (Where I play the biggest opponents use removals)
4 Plus Powers

Energy 20

12 Fighting
4 Metal (To protect piloswine form his own attack take down)

This deck is pretty simple use ditto chan or chansey to stall and do some damage while building up donphan or piloswine. Use piloswine for big damage and donphan is just good annoying and powerful. That is pretty much it Satoshi thanks a lot and happy gaming. Note metal energy should be used only to protect piloswine and chansey from hurting themselves with their own attacks.

Hmm...okey dokey, let's get to work then. ;\

Pokemon (20)
3 Phanpy
3 Donphan
3 Swinub (Revalation)
3 Piloswine (Revalation)
3 Ditto
2 Hitmonchan
2 Chansey
1 Cleffa

Hmm...well, for starters, let's narrow down the Pokémon. We've got two Evolution lines, and frankly one will work just the same.

What I mean is this:

Simple, no? ;\ Drop the world's ugliest elephant for one more each of Swinub
and Piloswine, two more Cleffa, and 2 more Chansey. Next, drop the Hitmonchan for 2 Igglybuff to take care of any meddlesome Slowkings, etc. Finally, drop all of the Dittos. We need the space, and Ditto is too situational.

Pokemon (17)
4 Swinub (Revalation)
4 Piloswine (Revalation)
4 Chansey
3 Cleffa
2 Igglybuff

Onto the Trainers....

Trainers 20

4 Gold Berry
4 Comp. Search
2 Bill
3 Oak
3 No Removal Gym (Where I play the biggest opponents use removals)
4 Plus Powers

First thing I see is the No Removal Gym. This, imo, is bad considering
you're running Metal Energy. And since we won't be used Metal AND Double
Colorless on anyone but Chansey, I think we'd be better off with Ecogym
instead. Drop the 3 No Removal Gym for an Ecogym, another Bill and a fourth
Oak. Next, ditch a PlusPower and use our spaces from before to add in four
Itemfinder. Finally, in goes a single Gust of Wind in exchange for a Gold

Trainers 23

4 Comp. Search
4 Oak
4 Itemfinder
3 Bill
3 Plus Powers
3 Gold Berry
1 Ecogym
1 Gust of Wind

Finally, onto the Energy:

Energy 20

12 Fighting
4 Metal

Looks okay. =) Leave it as-is.

Put it all together and....

Pokemon (17)
4 Swinub (Revalation)
4 Piloswine (Revalation)
4 Chansey
3 Cleffa
2 Igglybuff
Trainers (23)
4 Comp. Search
4 Oak
4 Itemfinder
3 Bill
3 Plus Powers
3 Gold Berry
1 Ecogym
1 Gust of Wind
Energy (20)
12 Fighting
4 Metal

...that's what ya get. Good luck and happy gaming! is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon trainers out there.  Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game, provides all the wisdom you desire. 

If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking news ... send them to us.  We'll post it on the site ... and give you all the credit.  


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