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Satoshi's Shop
Good day all,
This deck came to me a few days ago and I just got around to looking at it.
It seems to look okay if you're just looking at the Pokémon list...but then,
well...see for yourself. X_x;;
Legandary Storm
pokemon 20
4 raikou [holo]
4 zapdos f
4 suicune holo
4 arcticuno
4 entei holo
energy 40
14 lightning
12 fire
14 water
Oy vey...let's see what we can do to salvage this thing. =X
pokemon 20
4 raikou [holo]
4 zapdos f
4 suicune holo
4 arcticuno
4 entei holo
Oh boy...let's see, let's see. First, let's decide what types we want to
use. I'm thinking that Electric and a bit of Water sounds good. That said,
ditch the Entei and the 12 Fire Energy. In place of the Entei, let's add in
3 Cleffa and a single Electabuzz. Next, kill the Articuno and 3 of the
Suicune, and make the Zapdos Rocket's Zapdos, taking out one for another
Pokémon (13)
4 Raikou (h)
3 Rocket's Zapdos
3 Cleffa
2 Electabuzz
1 Suicune (h)
Okay, let's go onto the Trainers:
Trainers (0)
...I hope to God that I never have to type that again. =/ ANYWAY, we've got
quite a few spaces left over from our raid on the Pokémon. Plus, we can
remove the Fire and Water Energy; that's 26 spaces right there. Plus we
removed the Articuno and 3 Suicune, so that's 7 more, giving us a grand
total of 33 spaces for trainers-an excellent start. Okay, the magic number
is 33, so here we go.
Let's start with the usual 4-4-4 Oak-Computer Search-Itemfinder engine,
leaving us with 21 remaining spaces. Add in 3 PlusPower, 3 Super Energy
Removal, 3 Gold Berry, 3 Lass, 3 Gust of Wind, 2 Ecogym, 2 Nightly Garbage
Run, 2 Misty's Wrath. Whew...there you go:
Trainers (33)
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Itemfinder
3 PlusPower
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Gold Berry
3 Lass
3 Gust of Wind
2 Ecogym
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Misty's Wrath
Okay, onto the Energy:
Energy (14)
14 Lightning Energy
Okay, make 3 of those Lightning Energy into Metal Energy for Rocket's
Zapdos, and we're done:
Energy (14)
11 Electric Energy
3 Metal Energy
Whew...hope you followed all of that. :) Good luck and happy gaming!
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