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Aero-Mew - Advanced
Hey Jeremy, wuz up?
My name is Rafael and I'm from Brazil. I'm kind of new in
packmen so I really need our help whit this deck:
2 x Scyther(J)
2 x Chansey
2 x Mew(devol)
3 x Sneasel(NG)
3 x Cleffa
2 x Aerodactyl(F)
4 x Dark
4 x Metal(for Chansey)
4 x Rainbow
4 x DCE
4 x Psychic
4 x Ecogym
4 x Gold Berry
3 x Challange
3 x Prof. Elm
3 x Focus Band
3 x Gust of Wind
2 x Fossil Egg
2 x Misterious Fossil
2 x Switch
Please man help me out, 'cause I'm de oldest guy in the
league here(19) and
I still get beat up sometimes
Well, I haven't Seen an Aero-Mew in a long time, though
still a viable deck.
The idea of course is to out the Aerodactyl so that they
can't evolve then if they do evolve use Mew's Devolution
beam attack to devolve them.
The Packmen: the Scythers seem unnecessary, drop them
both. Add in a Murkrow to give you some locking and bench
damaging. How about two Erika's Dratini's
So that your opponents hit you only ten because they are
all basics.
The Trainers: This looks like it may be your problem.
First off I don't like Challenge! it let's your opponent
have control of what they want and if they see Aerodactyl
they will pull out an Igglybuff ant there goes you
advantage. Now four Goldberrys seems nice but lets drop
two of them for 1 Super Potion. No, I am not nuts these
let you use them on your Erika's Dratini also. Hmm I hate
to do some of this but we need the room for good trainers,
every deck needs them. OK add 3 Computer Search, 3 Item
Finders, 3 Professor Oaks. Now we added a lot but we now
have to drop stuff to make room 1 Ecogym 3 Focus Bands (I
hate to do it)
The Energy: Lets see we are really tight on room here so
lets drop 1 Metal, 2 Psychic add 2 Recycle.
2 x Erika's Dratini
2 x Chansey
2 x Mew(devol)
3 x Sneasel(NG)
3 x Cleffa
2 x Aerodactyl(F)
3 x Ecogym
2 x Gold Berry
1 x Super Potion
3 x Professor Elm
3 x Professor Oak
3 x Item Finder
3 x Computer Search
3 x Gust of Wind
2 x Fossil Egg
2 x Mysterious Fossil
2 x Switch
4 x Dark
3 x Metal
4 x Rainbow
4 x DCE
2 x Psychic
2 x Recycle
Well I had a hard time with this one, it seems like there
was so little room to play with but this should improve
your deck.
Jeremy Borchardt
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