SATOSHI: Hey! It's SATOSHI again! Here's deck number...ummm...somewhere
around six...or five....
"Project Agility" by Chris
17 fire energy
1 scyther
3 fossil magmar
3 ponyta
2 rapidash
2 lickitung
2 spearow
2 fearow
1 itemfinder
4 pluspower
1 scoop up
1 mr. fuji
1 pokemon trader
2 professor oak
2 switch
3 gust of wind
2 bill
1 energy retrieval
1 super potion
1 energy removal
1 super energy removal
SATOSHI: Hmmm...I've got my work cut out for me.
Let's start with pokemon. He said his strategy involved the agility attack.
Let's take out the lickitung, then. In their place, add in two more
scythers. Free retreat is always good, and 30 damage attack is even better.
Other than that, the pokemon look pretty good. Onward.
The trainers need the most work. I noticed a lot of singles. So, let's get
to work. The item finder doesn't seem to serve any special purpose. It's
out. So's the scoop up, super potion and mr. fuji. That's four spaces, so
let's add in an 2 energy removals and one super energy removal.With the last
space, I'm going to add in another super energy removal and take out the
energy retrieval. In it's palce goes another energy removal. There. Now,
since your pokemon don't have much of a retreat cost, let's take out the
switches and add in another pokemon trader, so you can get out those
rapidash and fearow. I'm gonna also add another bill to increase your
drawing power. You were short 3 cards, so I'll add back in lickitung and
another bill. Hmmm...looks good. Let's take a look:
17 fire energy
3 scyther
3 fossil magmar
3 ponyta
2 rapidash
2 lickitung
2 spearow
2 fearow
4 pluspower
2 pokemon trader
2 professor oak
3 gust of wind
4 bill
4 energy removal
3 super energy removal
SATOSHI: Well, there you have it...hope this deck bring you some wins! Good
Luck and Happy Gaming!