Hey Moss!


I 'm going to a tournament tomorrow and I NEED my Cleaner to be fixed BIG



Here it is!




2 Arcanine(base)

2 Growlithe

3 Fossil Magmar

2 E.Jiggly

1 Magby

2 Unown(m, n)


4 Oak

2 Cpu Search

2 Item Finder

2 Wrath

1 Erika

1 Resitence Gym

4 GoW

4 PP

1 Energy Ark

3 ER


1 Gambler

4 Secret Mission

3 Switch

2 Energy Retreival


8 fire



Cleaner stratagey is pretty basic so I don't think I have to explain It


So far in my group I have OWNAGE on every single Sneasle( thank Erika

for her Jiggly!) and Steelix deck(Melted metal)

and the Wiggly(PFFT!). It HAD some problems with the Gymleader's

Raindance but he now plays a Sneasle =)

other than that  theres the pop deck sin my Area. Steelix holds the

place number one then sneasle and wiggly. There are some haymaker

revival decks but they usually deck out turn 5. There 2 Charizard decks

played by the little kids(BOOM! Charizard exploded!).One has a 1-1-1

line of charizard and no DCE, LOL! Poor fool! Any way hehehehe I'll let

you solve my problems for me!



Thanks before hand....




Hey Card Guru, thanks for the Arcy deck!  I've done fairly well with this

deck in the past, so I'll see how well I can do for you with this one.


Pokemon: First off, play 4-3 on the Growlithe/Arcanine line.  You need that

many to get it out.  In my experience playing Arcanine, it has become a

viable deck in US Standard with the addition of one card.. Cleffa.  Add 3

Cleffa, for the very VERY important strategy required in this deck, which

will be discussed later.  Throw in 2 Fossil Magmar for backup hitting, and to

stall if necessary... Poison works wonders at times too.  3 Scyther works

well in Arcanine decks, because of its free retreat, colorless attack, and

ever important combat against Feraligatr, which WOULD slaughter your deck. 

Lastly, 2 Igglybuff should be thrown in for those evil powers.  This gives

you a total of 17 pokemon, 14 basics.


Trainers: Wow, here's where the work needs to be done... let's just totally

start over.  First, make your card draw power 3 Professor Oak, 4 Computer

Search, and 4 Item Finder.  This count works VERY well in an Arcanine deck. 

Now, get 3 Lass in there.  If you dont HAVE 3 Lass, go GET 3 Lass, because it

needs to be in here.  EVERY GAME, YOU MUST TRY TO DO THE FOLLOWING: Start

game with Cleffa, Lass them, and then Eeeeeek... repeat the process as often

as is necessary until Arcy is ready to bust some heads.  Throw in 2 Gust of

Wind to avoid having to flip for baby rule on that opening Eeeeeeek. 

    Next, add 3 Gold Berry, to work with Arcanine when it does Take Down. 

This way, it can be out there kicking butt for much longer.  Now, here's the

tough part... how to fight Sneasel while still protecting your own energy. 

Personally, I'd like to go with 2 EcoGym and 3 Energy Removals in this deck. 

This way, if the opponent is playing heavily removals, Eco can protect you. 

With Sneasel or any DCE reliant deck, they will get mutilated by the ER's. 

Finalize the deck with 2 Nightly Garbage Run and of course... 2 Switch. 

Arcanine has a retreat of 3, don't you know =/.  This is a total of 28



Energy: I think we can go with 9 Fire Energy, 4 Double Colorless, and 2

Metal, giving us 15 total energy.


Let's check out the final decklist...

Pokemon: (17)

4 Growlithe

3 Arcanine

3 Scyther

3 Cleffa

2 Fossil Magmar

2 Igglybuff


Trainers: (28)

3 Professor Oak

4 Computer Search

4 Item Finder

3 Lass

2 Gust of Wind

3 Gold Berry

3 Energy Removal

2 EcoGym

2 Switch

2 Nightly Garbage Run


Energy: (15)

9 Fire Energy

4 Double Colorless

2 Metal Energy


One last time... LASS, EEEEEEEK, and CHARGE UP ARCY.  Simple, eh? :D




Hey Moss!


I 'm going to a tournement tomorro and I NEED my Cleaner to be fixed BIG



Here it is!




2 Arcanine(base)

2 Growlithe

3 Fossil Magmar

2 E.Jiggly

1 Magby

2 Unown(m, n)


4 Oak

2 Cpu Search

2 Item Finder

2 Wrath

1 Erika

1 Resitence Gym

4 GoW

4 PP

1 Energy Ark

3 ER


1 Gambler

4 Secret Mission

3 Switch

2 Energy Retreival


8 fire



Cleaner stratagey is pretty basic so I don't think I have to explain It


So far in my group I have OWNAGE on every single Sneasle( thank Erika

for her Jiggly!) and Steelix deck(Melted metal)

and the Wiggly(PFFT!). It HAD some problems with the Gymleader's

Raindance but he now plays a Sneasle =)

other than that  theres the pop deck sin my Area. Steelix holds the

place number one then sneasle and wiggly. There are some haymaker

revival decks but they usually deck out turn 5. There 2 Charizard decks

played by the little kids(BOOM! Charizard exploded!).One has a 1-1-1

line of charizard and no DCE, LOL! Poor fool! Any way hehehehe I'll let

you solve my problems for me!



Thanks before hand....




Hey Card Guru, thanks for the Arcy deck!  I've done fairly well with this deck in the past, so I'll see how well I can do for you with this one.


Pokemon: First off, play 4-3 on the Growlithe/Arcanine line.  You need that many to get it out.  In my experience playing Arcanine, it has become a viable deck in US Standard with the addition of one card.. Cleffa.  Add 3 Cleffa, for the very VERY important strategy required in this deck, which will be discussed later.  Throw in 2 Fossil Magmar for backup hitting, and to stall if necessary... Poison works wonders at times too.  3 Scyther works well in Arcanine decks, because of its free retreat, colorless attack, and ever important combat against Feraligatr, which WOULD slaughter your deck.  Lastly, 2 Igglybuff should be thrown in for those evil powers.  This gives you a total of 17 pokemon, 14 basics.


Trainers: Wow, here's where the work needs to be done... let's just totally start over.  First, make your card draw power 3 Professor Oak, 4 Computer Search, and 4 Item Finder.  This count works VERY well in an Arcanine deck.  Now, get 3 Lass in there.  If you dont HAVE 3 Lass, go GET 3 Lass, because it needs to be in here.  EVERY GAME, YOU MUST TRY TO DO THE FOLLOWING: Start game with Cleffa, Lass them, and then Eeeeeek... repeat the process as often as is necessary until Arcy is ready to bust some heads.  Throw in 2 Gust of Wind to avoid having to flip for baby rule on that opening Eeeeeeek. 

        Next, add 3 Gold Berry, to work with Arcanine when it does Take Down.  This way, it can be out there kicking butt for much longer.  Now, here's the tough part... how to fight Sneasel while still protecting your own energy.  Personally, I'd like to go with 2 EcoGym and 3 Energy Removals in this deck.  This way, if the opponent is playing heavily removals, Eco can protect you.  With Sneasel or any DCE reliant deck, they will get mutilated by the ER's.  Finalize the deck with 2 Nightly Garbage Run and of course... 2 Switch.  Arcanine has a retreat of 3, don't you know =/.  This is a total of 28 trainers.


Energy: I think we can go with 9 Fire Energy, 4 Double Colorless, and 2 Metal, giving us 15 total energy.


Let's check out the final decklist...

Pokemon: (17)

4 Growlithe

3 Arcanine

3 Scyther

3 Cleffa

2 Fossil Magmar

2 Igglybuff


Trainers: (28)

3 Professor Oak

4 Computer Search

4 Item Finder

3 Lass

2 Gust of Wind

3 Gold Berry

3 Energy Removal

2 EcoGym

2 Switch

2 Nightly Garbage Run


Energy: (15)

9 Fire Energy

4 Double Colorless

2 Metal Energy


One last time... LASS, EEEEEEEK, and CHARGE UP ARCY.  Simple, eh? :D
