Rain, it's me, ebArtemis410, I want you to take a look at my Modified format
4 Cleffa
4 Slowpoke (Team Rocket)
4 Slowking
3 Eevee
(Neo Discovery)
3 Umbreon (Holo)
2 Movie Mewtwo
2 Erika's Bellsprout
(Careless Tackle)
2 Murkrow
1 Igglybuff
6 Psychic Energy
Darkness Energy
3 Recycle Energy
3 Rainbow Energy
4 Professor
4 Focus Band
3 Energy Charge
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Warp
2 Ecogym
1 The Rocket's Training Gym
I'm using the
Rocket Slowpoke because if I pull him first turn, I can use Afternoon Nap and
get an attacking Slowking turn 2 (which makes yer opponent go O_o like
whoa). I'm using Umbreon to pick off baby Pokemon easily and other weak
things. Rocket's Training Gym is kind of wacky tech, and I can use Recycle
Energy to retreat my Cleffas and Umbreons.
Thanks for looking at my
deck ;\
Daniel Duterte
there's a door, we go in. If there's something we can break, we break
it. And in the end we blow the place to smithereens!" - Selphie Tilmett,
Final Fantasy 8
(go heels)
Hey Art...
The lineup looks pretty solid, the
only thing I can think of is dropping a Murkrow for another Igglybuff. Since
Umbreon takes care of Igglybuff already, Murkrow isn't needed as much.
Hmmm...also, cut both of the Erika's Bellsprout. Slowking alone takes care of
Ferligatr, especially combined with Umbreon that can has the potential to do 70
damage to the defending active.
We'll use the 2 slots for something
below... =\
Very nice...only thing to do
is add a 4th Rainbow.
(We have 1 extra slot ;\)
Drop 4 Focus Band, coin flips
suck. I can see your reason why using Focus Band though - Blaine's
Arcanine. And again, if you play the deck right, Slowking should take care
of it. We have 5 slots...go 3 Gold Berry. Drop the Rocket's Training Gym and
both Warp Point leaving us with 5 slots(I'm probably confusing j00 =\). Play
Double Gust, they allow you to pick off your opponents Slowkings and hit their
bench with Umbreon or Psyburn it with MP Mewtwo. Play 3 of those. IMO, Lt. Surge
is a very good card in this format. Obviously when you use Double Gust, your
opponent is gonna pick something on your bench with a high retreat. Lt. Surge is
basically a Switch, but with the downside of putting a basic from your hand as
the active(usually Cleffa, Igglybuff, Pichu, Magby etc). You're playing 6 Baby
Pokémon, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off.
It should look
something like this,
Umby Deck (Modified) 1.2
4 Slowpoke (TR)
4 Slowking
3 Eevee (ND)
3 Umbreon
2 MP
2 Igglybuff
1 Murkrow
6 Psychic
4 Darkness Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
3 Recycle
-Trainers (20)
4 Professor Elm
3 Gold Berry
Double Gust
3 Energy Charge
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Lt. Surge
Heh...hope I didn't mess your deck up too bad ;x
assuming you're going to the QT's...Good luck!! =\