***Creaky Door Opens***
(btw, Creaky doors are now a dci bannable offense)

Today we will be looking at a Clefable/Muk deck. Heres what Jamison writes:

My names Jamison and here's my deck I hope you can help it. It needs it bad.

   2 Grimer
   2 Muk
   3 Scyther
   2 Clefairy
   2 Clefable
   3 Electabuzz
   2 Narrow Gym
   2 Mary
   2 Gust of wind
   2 Item Finder
   3 Super Energy Removal
   4 Bill
   4 Energy Removal
   3 Gold Berry
   2 Nighty Garbage Run
   2 Professor Oak
   8 Grass Energy
   8 Electric Energy
   3 Double Colorless Energy

   Well, now that you have looked over it let me tell you about it. I like haymakers, I really do. Its really the only deck type I can make. Over the years I have tried and failed with others. In all that time Haymakers have been the best decks I have made.  The only problem with the haymaker is their speed and the fact that they can't last if the game goes into the later stages. I'm sure you've seen most of the pokemon used in decks now and days use their pokemon powers and big stage two pokemon to win. Most decks rely on at least 2-4 Pokemon powers. To deprive them of this is their downfall. You've seen that I don't have many pokemon in this deck, but the few I do are strong in there own right. I use electabuzz and Scyther to start of with. These two are some of the best starters in the game.  I use Gold Berry to shake off small weak attacks so they will be fresh in mid game. The thing is you see is that I use cards to help slow down a haymaker so it doesn't deck itself like most do. I will use cards like Mary, Nightly Garbage Run, and Item Finder to keep recycling cards to do so. Narrow Gym is in this deck because of its help in returning cards to my hand including a beaten up scyther or Clefable full of energy. It also helps in getting rid of other gyms. Gust of Wind speaks for itself by stalling for me and bringing out a benched pokemon on the verge of being KOed. Super Energy Removal, Energy Removal, can help when a stage 1 or 2 pokemon becomes threatening. Bill and Professor Oak, duh. Let me get back to the pokemon. Clefable and a very un energized stage two do not mix. Clefable is jest great going up against a stage 2 with little to no energy. I may have low energy but trust me its easy to get back. There's the info on my deck, again I hope you can help me with it.   

[Martins note: 59 card decks > ALL]

Let me start off by saying this type of deck is very formidable in today's environment. Your Version needs a little help, but you have your mind in the right place.


You need Cleffa. It's not even funny how many decks I get without Neo Genesis Cleffa in them. The card is great for just about every deck (excluding no rare decks..actually, NEO CLEFFA IS GREAT IN NO RARE!). Anyway, play them, and love them.

The old Haymaker days are done. The current standard environment is VERY different from the old. Drop Electabuzz and all the lightning. With all the fighting weakness you have with Clefable as is, you leave yourself wide open for a Smash Punch from a Tyrogue. Speaking of Tyrogue, play 2 in here.

Add 1 Clefairy and 1 Clefable. You need higher numbers to actually get them into play efficiently.

The Muk line is great. You counter a lot of the decks that use Pokemon powers. This deck can take a major blow to Typhlosion, and sometimes King/Sneasels. You can get away with a 2/2 Muk like. I mean, it's not like a 4/3 King line ALA Jeremy.

2 Grimer
2 Muk
2 Scyther
3 Clefairy
3 Clefable
2 Tyrogue
3 Cleffa

This is where most of your problem is. Bill is an Idiot (the card that is!). Drawing 2 isn't good enough. Up your Professor Oak ammounts to 4. You need sheer speed for this deck to work. Mary is just like Bill, and we already explained what Bill is. Computer Search is a NEED buddy.

Play another Item finder and Gust of wind. These are game savers. You can stand to lose a regular Energy removal and a Nightly Garbage run. Lass is also a necessity, and is also a great combo with Cleffa on the first turn.

Play focus band over Gold berry. Clefable has 70 HP and on average will get knocked out from a Beat up, or "Do the Wave."

The Narrow Gym is a great idea for a default, and don't forget the professor elm =o.

4 Professor Oak
3-Computer Search
2-Professor Elm
2 Narrow Gym
3 Gust of wind
3 Item Finder
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Energy Removal
3 Focus Band
1 Scoop up
1 Nighty Garbage Run

We just gotta sweep up a few things in this department. Drop all the Electric since Buzz got the cut and is currently standing in an unemployment
office right next to Al Gore =(

Add 1 more Double Colorless Energy for use with Scyther and the nasty retreat of Muk. Recycle energy is also a staple in here. It is great with Clefable, and works well with super energy removal. Play 4.

Since we play Recycle energy, we are allowed to play with low energy amounts. Four Grass will be fine.

4-Grass Energy.
4-Double Colorless Energy.
4-Recycle Energy.

Clefable/Muk FINAL decklist!
2 Grimer
2 Muk
2 Scyther
3 Clefairy
3 Clefable
2 Tyrogue
3 Cleffa

4 Professor Oak
3-Computer Search
2-Professor Elm
2 Narrow Gym
3 Gust of wind
3 Item Finder
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Energy Removal
3 Focus Band
1 Scoop up
1 Nighty Garbage Run

4-Grass Energy.
4-Double Colorless Energy.
4-Recycle Energy.

There you have it, a fixed Clefable/Muk. Take it to a tourney and test it out!

Signing off..

~/\/\@|271/\/  /\/\0|23/\/0

"Oh, THATS a DCI ban!"