I was wondering what you think about my Pokemon card
deck i call it the Psy Wash Out
Tell everything what you think is wrong about it
Here is my Deck:
3 Abra 3 Poliwag
2 Kadaba 1 Poliwhirl
1 Alakazam 1 Poliwrath
2 Magikarp 3 Gasyly(Fossil)
1 Gyarados 2 Hauter
2 Mr.Mime 2 Jigglypuff
2 Eevee
1 Vaporeon
1 Energy Retrieval 2 Potion
2 Computer Search 2 Gust of Wind
2 Switch 1 Clefairy Doll
1 Bill 1 Professor Oak
10 Water 12 Psy
Thank you fell free to e-mail me the problems with my deck.
Once again, no real strategy was given... I sense that this was sent from a younger player,
though, so I'll let it go. The problem with this deck is the same as the problem with many
decks I get; it's very unfocused. The big red light is that Clefairy Doll, as the card
pretty much has no purpose. Because of that, there's no good purpose to put it in a deck.
Also, you have too many Pok閙on families and not enough Trainers.
The first thing to do is get rid of some of these Evolution families. With this many, you'll
notice that often during a game you won't even see a Gyarados or Vaporeon, let alone evolve
one. This is because you have too many families and/or not enough card drawing Trainers,
such as Bill and Professor Oak. Take out the Gyarados and Vaporeon families, since you've
only got one of each. If you're going to use the Alakazam line, you need to go 4/3/2 at least.
3/2/1 won't cut it, as the Alakazam could end up in your prizes. Since you want his power
going quickly, I'd make it 4/3/3 if you can.
The Poliwrath line won't work here. You've already got another Stage 2, and two different
colored Stage 2's won't work well. Drop the Poliwrath family and add a 3/2 Golduck family.
He's like a Stage one version of Poliwrath, and while he deals less damage, the attack is
cheaper and he's easier to get out. The Fossil Haunter line is good, but three evolutions, one
of which is Stage 2, is pretty heavy. Let's drop the Haunter line and add three Movie Promo
Mewtwo. Take out Jigglypuff, as he isn't really necessary here.
Well, we freed up some space by getting rid of some of those Evolutions, and this is where
it goes. First, there are some Trainers that, frankly, just aren't very good. These, being
Potion and Clefairy Doll, should be taken out. You need more card drawing to get the
evolutions out, so add three Bill and two Professor Oak. Drop the lone Energy Retrieval and
add two Nightly Garbage Run. Add four Energy Removal and two Super Energy Removal, which
work nicely with Golduck, and exchange the Switch for Scoop Ups.
You have a bit more than you need, take out two Water and one Psychic. Here's the deck:
Pok閙on (20)
4 Abra
3 Kadaba
3 Alakazam
3 Psyduck
2 Golduck
3 MP Mewtwo
2 Mr. Mime
Trainers (21)
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Computer Search
2 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up
4 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
4 Bill
3 Professor Oak
Energy (19)
8 Water
11 Psy
It should be more balanced now, since I tried to clean up the Pok閙on families and added some
more Trainers. I tried to stick with Water, Psychic, and Energy Removal idea, but you could
easily make those Golduck Dark and make all the Energy Psychic. Hopefully this works for you,
and good luck!
~ Souper ~