SATOSHI: Okay, we've got more character decks. I'm gonna stop with the witty
remarks for now, 'cause we got a slew of decks to run through. Here we go!
Danny From Orange Islands Deck
4 nidoran female
4 nidorina
4 nidoqueen
4 scyther
3 voltorb
2 electrode
2 professor oak
3 bill
3 search
2 pokemon trader
3 gust of wind
16 grass energy
9 lightning energy
Janet Fisher From The Pokemon League
20 grass energy
4 scyther
4 bellsprout
4 weedle
4 beedrill
4 professor oak
4 super energy removal
2 energy retrieval
2 computer search
4 pluspower
Tracey Sketcher's Deck
4 scyther(yes, Tracey does get a scyther soon.)
4 venonat
3 venomoth
4 pikachu(jungle, closest to marril)
3 bill
3 profeesor oak
3 gust of wind
3 energy removal
2 super energy removal
3 pluspower
12 electric energy
10 grass energy
4 double colorless energy
SATOSHI: Okay, I'm gonna step in real quick. If your deck is not posted, I
appologize. I think I may have accidentally delete a few of them. Again, I'm
sorry. Anyway, most of the decks I recieved for this challenge were Team
Rocket, Jessie and James. I am only posting a few, as they were mostly THE
SAME CARDS. Even the trainers were the same. Anyway, here they are.
Team Rocket Decks
3 koffing
2 arbok
3 meowth
3 likitung
3 belsprout
2 weepinbel
1 victreebel
2 potion
2 super potion
2 clefariy doll
2 devolution spray
2 professor oak
2 pokemon flute
2 switch
2 gust of wind
20 grass energy
4 meowth
4 persian
4 ekans
3 arbok
4 koffing
3 bill
2 professor oak
3 gust of wind
4 energy removal
3 super energy removal
3 scoop up
2 itemfinder
2 computer search
16 grass energy
3 ekans
2 arbok
3 koffing
2 wheezing
3 likitung
3 bellsprout
2 weepinbel
2 victreebel
4 meowth
4 switch
3 gust of wind
3 pluspower
3 defender
2 energy removal
2 pokemon breeder
17 grass energy
James' Deck
4 bellsprout
3 weepinbel
2 victreebel
4 growlithe
4 meowth
4 koffing
2 wheezing
3 defender
4 bill
1 professor oak
3 pokemon traders
4 energy removal
15 grass energy
8 fire energy
Jessie's Deck
4 ekans
3 arbok
4 likitung
4 shellder
4 meowth
4 energy removal
4 bill
1 professor oak
4 pluspower
2 itemfinder
2 super energy removal
15 grass energy
6 water energy
SATOSHI: And there it is. The last of Twisted Challenge Three. I have
absolutely no idea what Twisted Challenge Four will be, so gimme a few days.
I'll come up with something. =)
On the stupider side of things, here's an e-mail I just got that I found
pretty darn funny. The subject line said "all- star deck." Intrigued,
opened it up. I found, instead of a deck, this;
"u r a horrible mechanic"
I thought for a minute, then came to this conclusion. My little guideline
thing says "I won't trash any decks(unless, of course, you say something
like, 'hey, SATOSHI, you're a horrible mechanic.' Then you can expect a good
thrashing" And gosh darn it, that is exactly what this e-mail said. He was
trying to get a good thrashing from me. Either that or trying to show me
that his I.Q. matches his shoe size. Well, my thick-headed friend, you will
get no thrashing from me. You have, however, shown us that your I.Q. does,
indeed, match your shoe size. So there. :P
"You can lead a horse to prune juice, but you cannot make him drink it. Nor
would you want him to."
-Space Ghost
"Space Ghost, Coast To Coast"
SATOSHI: Well, that's all for now, everyone. Later, pokepeople!!!