>FINALLY..............................Holly S. will
send in the deck
>that will
>beat Scott's famous sponge deck.
>Dear Scott and Vulpix,
> I'm Holly S. and in mid-December I sent you in a
deck that was
>KING VULPIX. I hope Vulpix won't be mad but I ditched
that deck, and
>have now
>became a more experienced player. In the past few
months I have seen
>combo of Promo Mewtwo and Electabuzz in practically
every deck that I
>faced. I thought and thought of ways to kill both of
them without
>being of
>weakness to any of them and I've failed. First I
thought of ways to
>take out
>Electabuzz. I immediately thought that Hitmonchan
could do the job, but
>he would be vunerable to Mewtwo. I scanned through
>millions........................and millions of my
pokemon cards to
>find the
>one card that destroys both of them at the same time.
I almost gave up
>I came across a simple common to do the job. That
>is...........Rhyhorn. He has a beefy 70hp,
resistance to lightning
>(preferably Electabuzz), and does not have a weakness
to psychic. He
>though have a massive 3 energy retreat cost. Who can
I use this card
>effectively? Only with a team of Scyther, Wigglytuff,
and even
>himself. That is why I have created this deck that I
will call
>16 Pokemon
>3 Rhyhorn
>3 Scyther
>3 Electabuzz
>4 Jigglypuff
>3 Wigglytuff
>21 Energy
>9 Fighting
>8 Electric
>4 Double Colorless
>23 Trainers
>3 Bill
>2 Oak
>3 Plus Power
>3 Gust of Wind
>2 Switch
>2 Energy Retrival
>2 Comp. Search
>2 Item Finder
>2 Fuji
>2 Super Energy Removal
>This is a really good deck to use against Sponge
decks. I plan to
>write a
>killer deck report on it as soon as I attend my
second tournament. If
>I were
>you I wouldn't tell Scott about this deck, but use it
against him to
>beat him
>(Tell him to take his sponge deck, turn it sideways
and stick it
>straight up
>his roody poo candy a**). If you see any room for
improvement please
>fix it.
> That's it for my Smackdown deck if you
>S.........................................is cooking!
So...anybody who plays with Vulpix isn't an
experienced player?
Seriously, I am glad to get this deck. It's always
nice to see somebody with something intelligent to
say. I thought about using the deck, but didn't for a
number of reasons, chief among those being that
beating Scott Gerhardt is not my main goal in life.
I've done it (once--barely) and take it from me, it's
not as much fun as you would think.
At any rate, since you seem to know what you're doing,
I'll just offer some suggestions. Your words seem to
imply that you have already played it against Sponge
and done well, so I'll operate on that assumption.
1) Other people have suggested Wigglytuff to me as a
good way to counter Sponge. Of course, everybody who
IMs me with this idea thinks they're the only ones to
have discovered it. Looking at what I believe is
Scott's most recent Sponge (the one from his last
Killer Deck report) seems to reinforce the choice of
Wiggly. Sponge has only two Pokes (Electabuzz and
Ditto) that can really hurt Wiggly--and of the two,
using Ditto isn't the hottest of ideas. The defender
needs his own bench to Wave effectively, and Lullaby
leaves Ditto in a very compromising position indeed.
So it looks like you've got the stuff. Just one other
idea, and that is--Ditto! Yes, I am suggesting that
you use Ditto yourself. Normally I don't like him all
that well, but I have to admit that he nails Mewtwo
like nobody's business. I would recommend at least
trying him out in this deck. Just remember that it
works both ways. Try taking out Scyther--although a
very good Pokemon, he doesn't do anything special
against Sponge.
2) I can't help but think that you want more Removal
in here. Since you will hopefully be able to shut down
Mewtwo with Wigglytuff, you will only have to worry
about the Buzzes and Dittos. The trouble is, I'm not
sure where you add it in. Fuji looks like a possible
candidate, as does maybe a GOW. Another trainer you
may want to have is Lass. If you've read Scott's Deck
Report, you know that Sponge runs on trainers,
trainers, and more trainers. Lass denys it these and
helps put you on level ground trainer-wise, a
situation that Sponge probably does not want to be in.
3) Your energy looks a bit low. But you've got the
drawing and retrieving to make up for it, so I think
we're okay. 4 DCE are an absolute must here, and you
obviously need the fighting and electric energies.
Assuming you are not already having any problems,
there's nothing we need to do here.
Test this deck out. Let me know how it does. I believe
it has potential.
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