following was sent in by:
Hi! Here is my deck,
Thundering Fairies. Please tell me what you think.
Pokemon--15 (12 Basic--3
Stage 1)
4x Clefairy (Neo)
3x Clefable
3x Rocket's Zapdos
3x Electabuzz (Basic)
2x Cleffa
4x Professor Oak
3x Professor Elm
4x Computer Search
3x Item Finder
4x Super Energy Removal
3x Gold Berry
3x Gust of Wind
3x Lass
2x Narrow Gym
12x Lightning Energy
4x Recycle Energy
I'll explain the strategy for
each card (sorta).
Clefable's attack-copying Metronome is just awesome in today's metagame.
Sneasel, Rocket's Zapdos, and many of the old school haymakers, as well, are
all outspeeded by the one energy Metronome.
Rocket's Zapdos: I
don't really need to explain, but I will anyway :) His energy recycling
ability allows me to run a low amount of Lightning energy and still deal major
damage. Great in the early game when Clefable is playing Hide and
Seek. Plus, resistance to fighting is a plus since Hitmonchan still runs
around in my area, and nearly the rest my deck is weak to it.
Electabuzz: There
simply because there just isn't another strong lightning basic. He's
excellent when stalling, and good in the early game, as well. All around
good card (I'm sure this is news to you).
Cleffa: You'd slap me
if I didn't put a couple in. Cleffa is just excellent when you're stuck
with a bad hand, need to find a particular card, or stuck by Trap or
Slowking. Plus, the Cleffa/Lass combo can be devastating on the first
turn, or even later in the game. Cleffa is just too versatile not to have
a couple of.
Search: My standard drawing engine. I used to use Bill, but I've
found Elm to be much more effective. Getting a new hand just seems more
useful than an additional two cards. Of course, you can't play trainers
after using it, but I've found I can usually hold out for one turn.
Item Finder: Another
obvious card. Let's me reuse whatever I need at the moment, usually Gold
Berry or Lass. Another very versatile card.
SER: Takes advantage of
Clefable's one energy attack. Keeps the opponent using their weakest
attack while I copy their strongest. Combos with Recycle energy so all I
lose is one attachment turn.
Gold Berry: Keeps Clefable
around longer and negates the self-damage from Electroburn.
Gust of Wind: Helps
take out would-be threats or when stalling.
Lass: See Cleffa
Narrow Gym: Gets rid of
pesky Sprout Towers, No Removal, and Eco Gym. Also, sometimes I can take
advantage of the Super Scoop Up when I have a full bench.
Lightning Energy: 12
seemed sufficient since everyone can attack using one, and Zapdos can recycle
Recycle Energy: See
SER. Also helps in retreating.
Side Notes: The only
deck I really had any trouble with at my last tournament was a Slowking/Sneasel
deck. If Slowking gets played early enough...I really have trouble
recovering. I played three games against a Slowking deck (two of
which were against the same person). I won two of the three games, but
both of my wins were very close. So, I considered adding a Goop Gas
attack to shut down the power long enough to Gust it and hopefully kill it
quickly. My other consideration was adding regular Energy Removals to
further exploit my one energy attack advantage. I'm not sure what I
should remove to put them in, or if I even should. I guess that's what
you're here for.
Thanks in advance,
Austin ^_^
Hey Austin! This deck actually looks kind of like Jin’s deck, a good friend of mine. His deck works out pretty well too. My fix will probably end up looking more like his deck…
Alright, starting with a Clefairy is like… bad. If you ever play a Clefairy, you want to make sure you can evolve it next turn usually, that basic is pretty weak. We’ll drop the Clefairy count by 1 and add another Cleffa in place of it. Cleffa is not only good for card drawing but also good for stalling with the Baby Rule and reshuffling extra cards into your deck, I love Cleffa now. Another Pokemon that will help work great against Sneasel would be Ditto, let’s drop the Electabuzz for Ditto instead. Ditto is versatile and can handle many situations.
If you want to hurt Sneasel more, add in Rocket’s Training Gym. I’ve found that Gym is actually quite effective and makes them think twice about paying extra energy (possible Darkness) to retreat. We’ll drop the Narrow Gyms for the RT Gyms. 4 Super Energy Removal seems like a lot to use really, especially with you needing to discard energy… that isn’t that easy to waste anymore. Change those 4 SERs into 3 Energy Removals. We’ll replace that empty slot with 2 Nightly Garbage Runs.
Due to the Ditto, you can’t
go without DCE, add in 4. Metal Energy works great on Cleffa, add 2. I’d also
recommend dropping the Recycle Energy altogether, add 2 Full Heal Energy
instead. Lightning Energy count has been dropped one to cover the NGR.
Your deck should look like
Pokemon (15)
3 Clefairy (Neo)
3 Clefable
3 Rocket's Zapdos
3 Ditto
3 Cleffa
Trainers (30)
4 Professor Oak
3 Professor Elm
4 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Energy Removal
3 Gold Berry
3 Gust of Wind
3 Lass
2 Rocket’s Training Gym
2 Nightly Garbage Run
Energy (15)
7 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Metal Energy
2 Full Heal Energy
Good luck Austin!! =)
Unlike ClefairyDoll, I have no wisdom to share =(