Raichu's Party

    Hey Nessy!!  Help my deck or Raichu will be mad and say "RAI RAI RAI RAI RAI CHU!"

---Pokémon (16)---
4x Pikachu (Neo)
2x Dark Raichu
1x Base Raichu
3x Rocket's Zapdos
3x Cleffa
3x Scyther

---Trainers (23)---
3x Professor Oak
3x PlusPower
3x Computer Search
3x Bill
3x EcoGym
2x Item Finder
2x Gold Berry
2x Gust of Wind
1x Nightly Garbage Run
1x Switch

---Energy (21)---
14x Lightning
4x Double Colorless
3x Potion Energy



You can drop a Scyther, and add 2 Electabuzz, a great fast lightning attacker. (remember to play 14+ basic when playing 3+ babies to avoid quick losses).

Make the Neo Pikachus the 50HP promo Pikachu's.  A first turn recharge can be a 2nd turn attacking Dark Raichu.  Speed wins.

Add one more Dark Raichu, you so can have a more consistant opening.

How about 2 Challenges?  They fill their bench and Dark Raichu fills it with damage.

Also, I would play 3 No Removal Gym instead of Eco. Eco is more for Darkness/Metal decks, in my opinion.

We have room, so how about a 3rd Gold Berry?

I don't really think potion is worth playing, so I would drop 2 potion, 2 double colorless(not that necessary in this deck), and two lightning.

Add two metal, you can use the Zapdos/PlusPower combo like in the Arithmetic deck.

Raieth Chueth
---Pokémon (18)---

4x Pikachu (50HP MP)
3x Dark Raichu
1x Base Raichu
3x Rocket's Zapdos
3x Cleffa
2x Scyther
2x Electauzz

---Trainers (26)---
3x Professor Oak
3x PlusPower
3x Computer Search
3x Bill
3x No Removal Gym
3x Gold Berry
2x Item Finder
2x Gust of Wind
2x Challenge!
1x Nightly Garbage Run
1x Switch

---Energy (21)---
11x Lightning
2x Double Colorless
2x Metal
1x Potion Energy

Good luck and have fun.

Jason Klaczynski