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TCG Deck Garage
Erm...hi everyone. Yeah, I know I've been slacking off a bit lately, but
I'll make it up. I've had finals all this week, so I'm ready for some
Pokemon TCG fun. ;x
Plus, I'm now on Summer Break, so now I have more time to put into meching.
Oh, and I'm officially a 1337 sophomore. Yey for me. ;x
Let's go to the deck...!
Here it is, the revised full potential of the bald guy deck.
Elmo's Alphabet §oup (ECSTS rules)
4 Blaine's Ponyta
4 Blaine's Rapidash
3 Murkrow (hunter--more people are playing around 3 Cleffa in their STS
deck, so this will be fun ;)
2 Magmar (backup)
2 Cleffa
1 Elekid
1 Magby
4 Elm
3 Secret Mission
3 Blaine
3 Gold Berry
2 Focus Band (for the babies on the bench)
2 Double Gust
2 Cinnabar City Gym
2 Misty's Wrath
1 Chaos Gym (when a lock with Murkrow has been established)
10 Fire (it may seem like a lot, but remember, I need 3 on Blaine's Dash
and 2 for Magmar)
4 Dark
Try to get a second turn Blaine's Rapidash. I usually don't get it
however. I can setup with Cleffa or Magmar while getting the horse's
hooves ready to fight. Once I get 'Dash powered, I either a) let Magmar
finish up a fight or b) Retreat for Rapidash. I can clean with Magmar
too. 40 Should be enough after being hit on the bench by Blaine's
Rapidash and Murkrow. After I hit a baby on the bench, if the situation
would be better, send up Murkrow and Feint Attack KO on that baby =)
Elekid has proved its paper it was created on. When I am paralyzed or
confused or whatever, he Playful Punches for 20 or nothing, but it's
worth it. The 4 babies really help with Double Gust.
What do you think?
*/me hmms*
I like it so far. However, my job is not to say I like it-it's to make it
work to its full potential. So, let's see what we can do to make this baby
hit harder and faster.
The Pokemon look good for the most part, but I do see a little thing I think
would make this deck work better. Drop the Elekid and the two Magmar for
three Blaine's Charmander-it's level escapes me now, but I mean the one with
the attack "Kindle". With all the Steelix and Murkrow running around at the
STS, some good old fashioned energy removing will be a great addition to
this deck. Other than that, I like your Pokemon selection. Blaine's
Ninetales mixes hard hits in with bench destruction-something few cards can
do without killing themselves and/or being extremely kwappy(see base and
fossil Magneton and fossil Golem).
Okay, I've got an idea here. *huddled masses groan* Anyway, let's remove the
lone Chaos Gym and one Secret Mission for two Lt. Surge. This way, you can
pull an "Operation: Murkrow Drop" and surprise the heck out of your oppoent
when you drop Murkrow from your hand directly into active position and lock
them...MWAHAHAHAHAHA...erm, yeah. ;x
As for the energy, drop the two Full Heal Energy for two Recycle Energy,
which go great with Blaine's Charmander and his Kindle attack.
Overall, we now have this:
Revised Elmo's Alphabet §oup
4 Blaine's Ponyta
4 Blaine's Rapidash
3 Murkrow (hunter--more people are playing around 3 Cleffa in their STS
deck, so this will be fun ;)
3 Blaine's Charmander
2 Cleffa
1 Magby
4 Elm
3 Blaine
3 Gold Berry
2 Focus Band (for the babies on the bench)
2 Double Gust
2 Cinnabar City Gym
2 Misty's Wrath
2 Secret Mission
2 Lt. Surge
10 Fire (it may seem like a lot, but remember, I need 3 on Blaine's Dash
and 2 for Magmar)
4 Dark
2 Recycle Energy
There ya go. I hope this helps. Good luck and happy gaming!!
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