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Pokemon TCG Deck Garage

Woohoo! First day of Summer Break!! *dance*
Man, I can't remember the last time I did a deck fix at 8:00 in the
morning...huh? Oh, don't mind me. I just ramble on sometimes. Anyway,
today's deck was chosen because of the fact that the writer was and is part
of a dying race-the Pokemon Parents. I'm seeing a lot less of these
individuals, so I was kind of glad to get this e-mail.
Hi Satoshi,
Greetings from Downunder...yes the game is still alive here and the Pokemon
League has restarted.  I am one of the many loyal Pokemoms who have ferried
their kids around to leagues and tournaments and this year I have taken on
the joy/fun/challenges of running the local league.  Anyway, I have 2 kids,
one old enough to construct her own decks fairly well while the second one
being 7 keeps looking to Mom to fix it.  Being 7, he is also slow in keeping
track of his deck so I limit him to uncommons/commons.  Each week he keeps
wanting to change it and currently it is an all fighting deck as we are
doing the Faulkners Challenge.  Yes, I know League has only just restarted
and we are doing season one.  More to the point, I would appreciate it if
you would take a look at it and adjust whatever you think needs it, taking
into account his age, etc.  We are not limited by cards because the family
card library is excellent and we have all of the expansions.

Sudowoodo x 4
Machop x 3
Tyrogue x 4
Gligar x 4

Prof Oak x 4
Bill x 4
Pluspower x 4
Defender x 2
Energy removal x 4
Super energy removal x 1
Gust of wind x 2
Berry x 3
Gold berry x 1

Fighting energy x 20

Now to meet the requirements of Faulkners Challenge, I have taken out the 4
double colourless energy I would normally have but otherwise, the whole
strategy of this deck is to have fun playing and win his fair share of
games.  At the League the kids ages run from 5 to 20 and he does manage to
hold his own against most of them.  Still if there is any tweak that you
think would help the deck run a  little smoother for him I would appreciate
the suggestions.

Thanks for your time, Kathleen
Hmm. Okay, something we don't see much of anymore-a solid fighting type
deck. Keeping in mind your limits on Flakner's Challenge and only
commons/uncommons, I'll do my best to better this deck.

The first thing that jumps out at me in your Pokemon selection is the number
of Babies. Tyrouge is indeed an interresting character, but four is a bit
much. Let's take out two of the multi-evolutional(hey, I think I made up a
word) Baby and pop in two of the promo Cleffa. Card drawing is always good,
and since the Neo Cleffa is a rare and a bit hard to trade for, in go two of
these beauties.

Little things need to be changed Trainer-wise. Let's take out the Berries
for two more Gold Berry and two Rocket's Secret Experiment; these guys are
sort of the non-rare equivilant of Computer Search. Take out the two
Defender for another Rocket's Secret Experiment and a Professor Elm. Things
are looking pretty good now.

The Energy is fine. A bit more than most people usually play with, 20 energy
should be fine for a fun deck.

All in all, a very solid deck. Nicely done, and keep up the League-ing!! ;-)

Good luck and happy gaming!


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