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Hey all! 4 days till Christmas! Whoohoo! =D
Anyway, deck fix time. =)
1 rocket eevee
1 dark jolteon
2 pikachu(genesis)
1 raichu(revelation)
2 Lt. Surge Magnemite
1 Lt. Surge Magneton
1 Raikou(non holo)
1 Raikou(holo)
2 Misty Magikarp
1 Misty Gyrados
4 Horsea(genesis)
3 Seadra(genesis)
2 Kingdra(revelation)
1 Suicune(non holo)
14 water energys
17 lightning energy
1 Sabrina's gaze
1 professor elm
2 healing field
2 pokemon breeder field
1 Lt. Surge treaty
1 moo-moo milk
Okay, I'm guessing...Modified, correct? Yes? Yes. Okay, let's get to work.
Pokemon (23)
1 rocket eevee
1 dark jolteon
2 pikachu(genesis)
1 raichu(revelation)
2 Lt. Surge Magnemite
1 Lt. Surge Magneton
1 Raikou(non holo)
1 Raikou(holo)
2 Misty Magikarp
1 Misty Gyrados
4 Horsea(genesis)
3 Seadra(genesis)
2 Kingdra(revelation)
1 Suicune(non holo)
=/...We need some focus here.
Since the deck is called "Hydro Thunder," I'll take a leap in the dark and
guess you want to use Water and Electric in the deck, yes? =) Well, we'll go
along with this idea, but we'll simply use one family from each color.
Remove the Eevee, Dark Jolteon, Pikachu, Lt. Surge's Magnemite/ton, both
Raikou, Misty's Magikarp/Gyarados for 4 promo "Thunderbolt" Pikachu, 3 more
Revelation Raichu, another Kingdra, a second non holo Suicune, and three
-1 Eevee
-1 Dark Jolteon
-2 Pikachu
-2 Lt. Surge's Magnemite
-1 Lt. Surger's Magneton
-1 Raikou (non holo)
-1 Raikou (holo)
-2 Misty's Magikarp
-1 Misty's Gyarados
+4 Pikachu (promo)
+3 Raikou (revelation)
+1 Kingdra
+1 Suicune (non holo)
+3 Cleffa
Let's move onto the Energy before moving onto the Trainers for a change.
Right now, we're running 31 Energy-wayyy too much. Let's cut it down to 10
Lightning Energy and 10 Water Energy, giving us an extra 11 spaces.
-4 Water Energy
-7 Lightning Energy
Okay, now before we go onto the trainers, let's add an
Elekid/Tyrogue(your choice) to our Pokémon selection with one of our Water Energy spaces:
+1 Elekid/Tyrogue
Now, let's do some work on the Trainers with our remaining 10 spaces. First,
remove the Lt. Surge's Treaty, Moo-Moo Milk, and Sabrina's Gaze to up our
extra spaces to 13. Now, let's add the standard card drawing engine by
upping the Professor Elm to four and adding 3 Misty's Wrath.
+3 Professor Elm
+3 Misty's Wrath
Next, add three Double Gust-great when coupled with the non holo Suicune's
Pokémon Power-and three Focus Band.
+3 Double Gust
+3 Focus Band
Finally, let's tech a Time Capsule as a last resort, anti-decking tool.
+1 Time Capsule
There! We're finished. With a little luck, this deck should be able to hold
its own against any opponent. Raichu's ability to do 80 damage in one hit is
great, and Kingdra's ability to use any of its pre-evolved forms' attacks
for one colorless energy is incredible. Good luck and happy gaming!
Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
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