*ding ding!*
SATOSHI: Howdy all!
SATOSHI: Now that's he's evolved, Pikachu has done nothing but practice his
electric attacks...much to the dismay of poor Blastoise. Last I saw him, he
was holed up in his shell and wouldn't come out.
Anywho, this deck is a cross with Doll(check for her fix on the deck in her
garage). And now, without further adieu...okay, maybe a bit more adieu.
Okay, NOW we can fix the deck. :-D
Hi Doll,
Sure hope you can help me with this deck! Thanks!
Name: Jeff Gaddy
mIRC nickname: What is mIRC? My nic at league is MadMax
Email Address: j.a.gaddy@att.net
Skill Level: Novice (I play at Pokemon League)
Speed Metagame in your area: medium to fast
Strategy of your deck: Beat Down (heavy hitting) +poison
Deck Name: Kings and Queens
Deck Listing
Pokémon: 18
3 Nidoran (M)
3 Nidoran (F)
2 Nidorino
2 Nidorina
2 Nidoking
1 Nidoqueen
3 Bellsprout
2 Weepinbell
Trainers: 21
4 Bill
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Pokemon Trader
2 Pokemon Breeder
2 Professer Oak
2 Energy Removal
2 Potion
1 Item Finder
1 Gust of Wind
1 Switch
Energy Types 21
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Potion Energy
1 Full Heal Energy
14 Grass Energy
SATOSHI: Before I begin, let me say that I am not Doll. ;-) Okay, let's
Since this deck is called "Kings and Queens," I am guessing that you
tend to
use Nidoking and Nidoqueen to attack. Since we are using two Separate Stage
2 families, let's take out both Nidorino and Nidorina and add in two Pokemon
Breeder and two more Itemfinder. This will help us to speed this monster up.
To be totally honest, you can better than the Bellsprout family. Much
better. Let's take that family out and add in two Rocket's Scyther and three
We're going to work on the Trainers now, but we'll come back to the Pokemon
Take out the Energy Retrieval and Potion, along with the lone Switch. We
have six spaces now, so let's add in two Gust of Wind to give us four
spaces. Let's use those four spaces to add in two Nidoqueen and another
Nidoking. Next, add in another Nidoran Male with the last space. Finally,
the Two ER and a Pokemon Trader go for three CPU Search. Let's move on.
Okay, the Potion Energy go in favor of another Professor Oak and a fourth
Nidoran Female. The Full Heal Energy can stay.
14 Grass Energy
1 Full Heal Energy
4 Nidoran(m)
4 Nidoran(f)
3 Nidoking
3 Nidoqueen
2 Rocket's Scyther
3 Scyther
4 Bill
3 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
3 Gust of Wind
4 Pokemon Breeder
2 Pokemon Trader
3 Itemfinder
SATOSHI: That's all for now. Good Luck and Happy Gaming!!