Subject: deck fix: Dark muk (Cross fix with DOLL)

<Maartin> Welcome fans to Martin's Mansion
<Maartin> Today we will be reviewing a Dark Muk deck. Here it is:

Please help my deck. Dark muk has been my favorite since the days Of doll. Whatever happened to her?

anywho, thanks for the help.

-Paul Stein

Pokemon- 15
4 Grimer
4 Dark muk
2 Cleffa
2 Magby
3 Chansey

2- Professor Oak
2- Computer search
1- Item Finder
4- Nightly Garbage run
3- Energy Removal
4- Gust of wind
1 Scoop up
2- Switch
1 Goop gas attack

25 energy
21 Grass

<Maartin> Whatever happened to her? Well, for one time only folks, Doll is making a RETURN to the days of deck fixing =D

<Doll> Hey all!!! =D

<Maartin> Dark Muk, a deck you have been no stranger to.

<Doll> I'd only do this for my old favorite, Dark Muk =D

<Maartin> Well, for those people living under a rock, tell us a little about yourself

<Doll> Well, since I used to do Doll's House, my deck Garage on

<Doll> I've since gotten married to Scott Gerhardt

<Doll> Pojo Guru ;)

<Maartin> he currently writes articles for Pojo's Magic site for you Magic fans out there

<Doll> and now we own our own card selling business

<Doll> Shuffle and Cut

<Doll> Scott's working on some articles as we speak

<Maartin> great, lets get to the deck

<Doll> coolness

<Maartin> First of all, what do you think of the Muk line?

<Doll> Muk is amazing

<Doll> Grimer in and of itself isn't bad

<Doll> Dark Muk can be devastating

<Doll> and you have the advantage of using Muk

<Doll> which can be a great sneak up against Pokemon powers

<Doll> I always kept a single Muk in my deck "just in case"

<Maartin> But with the new ruling of Poison stopping Powers, do you feel it will still be necessary?

<Doll> yes, because of the Pokemon Powers on the bench

<Maartin> damn slowking ;x

<Doll> ;)

<Doll> "Back in the day" we used to say the same about Blastoise

<Doll> Muk just ruined Blasty

<Maartin> As for grimer,

<Maartin> he didn't mention which he used

<Maartin> which would you recommend?

<Doll> true

<Maartin> I have always played fossil

<Maartin> The rocket one is horrid

<Doll> Me too

<Doll> Fossil has been my favorite, and I believe is superior

<Maartin> It's also a key card if your opponent Survives a Focus band. You have an opportunity to smack them for the last point of damage with Sticky Goo

<Doll> exactly

<Maartin> The Chansey is Risky IMO

<Maartin> With the popularity of Tyrogue they are a target

<Maartin> and Slowking decks can get an easy mean look off of them

<Doll> yes

<Doll> Chansey wasn't really a great addition to the Dark Muk deck

<Doll> not even way back when

<Maartin> Speaking of Tyrogue, I say it should be played in here

<Doll> it seems to be a mainstay, nowadays

<Maartin> It packs a wallop against Wigglytuff, Chansey, Clefable, and the ever so Popular SNORLAX

<Doll> We may want to consider Scyther

<Doll> I know he's old school

<Doll> but he's a good counter against tyrogue

<Doll> no retreat is great in this deck

<Maartin> That little bugger can get nasty

<Doll> key sometimes while you set up Dark Muk

<Maartin> how many would you say we should include?

<Doll> I'd try out 1 - 2

<Doll> have the deck owner experiment with the qty.

<Doll> see what works best for him/her

<Maartin> and finally, I feel that 4 cleffa is staple in just about any standard deck

<Doll> absolutely

<Maartin> Lass/Eeeeeeek is just nasty

<Doll> and again, the free retreat is great

<Maartin> gotta love babies =)

<Doll> ;)

<Maartin> Now On to the Trainers...

<Doll> ah yes

<Doll> The key to utilizing Dark Muk

<Doll> is Energy Removal

<Doll> and tons of it

<Doll> Here, there is only 3 ER involved

<Doll> I would definitely go to 4 Energy Removal

<Doll> and add 3 to 4 Super Energy Removal

<Doll> the key is

<Doll> you remove energy on your target

<Doll> gust it up

<Doll> kill it before they can power back up

<Doll> they can't retreat due to Dk Muk's power very easily

<Doll> so they're trapped

<Maartin> One of the main cards that helped weaken this strategy back then was Recycle Energy

<Maartin> to this day, it is used in practically every Standard deck

<Maartin> but, the Promo Pokemon Tower

<Maartin> will aid this

<Doll> yep

<Doll> and if you play your trainers right, you shouldn't need Item Finder

<Maartin> Tower also prevents your opponent from using them at the same time

<Doll> exactly

<Doll> so they can forget their Recycle Energy

<Maartin> lets get to the drawing now

<Doll> making the Energy Removal strategy viable

<Maartin> 4 computer search

<Maartin> 4 computer search

<Maartin> 4 computer search

<Maartin> sorry to repeat....

<Maartin> but

<Maartin> if you hear it more than once

<Maartin> it sticks

<Doll> how many, Martin?

<Maartin> 4 computer search


<Doll> Computer search has always been vital

<Maartin> 3 Professor Oak is fine, and one of the newest editions to the elite Trainer Pool is copycat

<Doll> for one thing

<Doll> you really need it in case you need to get that Muk on the board

<Maartin> (Shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw as many cards as your oppponent has in their hand)

<Maartin> Copycat is the perfect comeback to a Lass/Eeeeeeek

<Maartin> IF you topdeck it...go heart of the cards

<Doll> lol

<Maartin> With the 4 cleffa, goes 4 Lass

<Maartin> PLAY it

<Doll> Don't forget the Gusts

<Doll> definitely keepers

<Maartin> Yep, but the 4 gusts is overdoing it

<Maartin> he can get away with 3

<Doll> yes

<Doll> you need the room

<Doll> so probably go down to 2 or 3

<Doll> depending on your room

<Maartin> and finally, Energy

<Maartin> Dark Muk has a relatively cheap attack

<Doll> yes

<Maartin> You play too much, try going for 15

<Doll> He's economical

<Doll> you shouldn't need more than that

<Maartin> it seams low, but Nightly garbage run will help

<Doll> I remember playing with 9

<Doll> sometimes 11

<Maartin> aah memories.

<Doll> yep

<Maartin> A little history lesson folks

<Doll> we were lean and mean back then

<Doll> ;)

<Maartin> And well, that about wraps up this session of Doll's hous--I mean, Martin's Mansion

<Doll> I miss you all...!

<Maartin> Any final comments before you go back to the world of Magic? *sniff*

<Doll> thanks, Martin, for giving me the chance to say hi and reminisce!

<Doll> I loved it

<Maartin> Your always welcome back to the mansion!

<Doll> Before I go

<Doll> for old time's sake

<Doll> I'd love to impart a bit of Doll's Wisdom

<Doll> Doll's Wisdom for the day: I intend to live forever -- so far, so good...

<Maartin> *sniff* I hate good-byes

<Doll> Thank you, Martin! It's been great! *huggles*!

<Doll> me too

<Maartin> buh-bye, *huggles*!

<Doll> *sniff*

<Maartin> Until next time...

<Maartin> this is Marty

<Doll> and Doll...

<Maartin> Signing off!

Doll's New Age Dark Muk
4- Cleffa
2- Tyrogue
3- Dark Muk
1- Fossil Muk

Trainers- 30
4- Computer Search
4- Lass
3- Professor Oak
3-Focus band (anti heavy hitter)
2- CopyCat
4- Energy Removal
3- Super Energy Removal
3- Gust of Wind
2- Pokemon Tower
1- Nightly garbage run
1-Item Finder

15- Grass