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Ghostly Gengar's Deck Garage
Fire/Water/Electric Unlimited Deck
May 17,
Hiya! It’s a difficult
task being a Pojo Deck Mech; stressful and time consuming
(and I’ve only beed doing it for a week!). But it is worth
it to be able to help those in need and this week’s deck
needs some major help. Our trainer has some issues with
numbers and with specifics but, being a trooper, I did the
best I could to make a playable deck. Here is the lowdown:
Unlimited Deck------------------------------
Ok, on pojo.com, it said to email a deck to you, so
here's mine:
latias (1)
latios (1)
gyarados (1)
magicarp (2)
electric energy (15)
water enegy (7)
fire energy (8)
torchic (2)
combusken (1)
magnemite (3)
magneton (1)
dark magneton (1)
electrike (2)
manetric (1)
potion (2)
energy removal (2)
energy retreavel (2)
imposter proffesser oak (1)
rockets pokeball (1)
energy search (1)
maintenance (1)
super potion (1)
anceint technical machine rock (1)
switch (1)
bills maintenince (1)
celios network (1)
like it?
Hmmm. Besides having no strategy or specifics on what sets
some of the cards come from, this deck has far too many
single cards! A triple problem which will ultimately result
in your premature death. ;) Not to worry, not to worry.
That’s why there are people like me and places like
Pojo.com! So that all may become learned in the ways of the
Pocket Monster.
We will start by assuming that each card listed in this deck
represents its most recent self. This will make my job
easier and will, even if the assumption proves wrong,
provide at least a slightly better structure on which to
base your casual gaming.
Lets start with your Pokemon. An area which needs a little
revamping. I like the Latias and Latios…just not in
quantities of one…get one more of each and then you might be
onto something. They are fun to play with even if not the
most practical cards. What is practical anywho? Fun is what
this is about anyway. Next is the Gyarados line—add one more
of him and Magikarp. Torchic and Combusken are mediocre
cards in my opinion but as our trainer seems to like
them…they can stay. The Magnemite/ton family are
okay—especially if we convert it all to Dark Magneton. Go
with two of the ‘Ton and three of the ‘Mite. Lastly,
Electrike and Manectric should be bumped up by one…just like
most everything else…am I predictable or what? ;)
Thus, the Pokemon should look like this:
Pokemon (22)
2 Latias
2 Latios
3 Magikarp
2 Gyarados
2 Torchic
1 Combusken
3 Magnemite
2 Dark Magneton
3 Electrike
2 Manectric
The Trainers are another can of worms altogether! So many
ones I can’t see straight! This is way too unpredictable for
my tastes—if you are looking for one hudred percent random
then this is good. Other wise listen to the wisdom of Gengar
;) (I’m so vain)
Potions and Super Potions are not that special—they take up
space and spare you a little bit of damage…If you really
want something good, go with Gold Berry at least it doesn’t
require that you discard energy. Energy Removal is good but
not in such small quantities…the retrievals are too easily
replaced by better, more recent cards. Imposter Oak will
almost always give your opponent an advantage as it give
them a new hand to use against you, Rocket’s Pokeball is
only good if you are playing more darkies, Energy Search and
Maintenance are things of the past. But some of the other
stuff is really quite useful. Lets revamp this section to
look like this:
Trainers (17)
4 Lady Outing (in this deck it will be good at getting you
the energy you need)
3 Ancient TM [rock] (“no more evos for you!”)
3 Switch (a useable card that lets you retreat very easily)
3 Bill’s Maintenance (draw power!)
4 Celio’s Network (yay for evolving!)
And that leaves the energy….hmmm how about this:
Energy (22)
8 Electric
6 Fire
8 Water