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Ghostly Gengar's Deck Garage
Ludicolo/Gardevoir deck
May 25,
Hiya all! Sorry to have been away for a little while. I'm
in a bagpipe band too and it really commands a lot of my
time in the spring/summer. Being ranked among the state's
best pipers has its costs :) But enough of this! On to the
main point of why we're all here.
This week's deck has only a few minor glitches that we
should be able to work out in no time. Apparently the
deck's creator is fond of, well, creating decks! He just
wants a little advice on the matter. This should prove to
be interesting:)... Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the
Gardevior/Ludicolo deck fix of the week:
i have been playing pokemon since 2001 and i have always
loved building decks and i test out many types and styles
and this is my most current and the one i play now so i
would like it if you would please fix it
this is my gardevior/ludicolo deck
the strategy is to use masterball to get gardivior and rare
candy to get him out fast and use heal dance to remove
damage o yeah i also use ludicolo to do that too and i have
tons of cards with draw power
i have almost all cards from base to skyridge and about 1/2
the cards in each card set from ruby sapphire to emerald
3x ralts EM#61
2x kirlia EM#33
1x kirlia RS#35
3x gardivior EM#4
2x spoink EM#65
2x grumpig EM#29
2x mudkip EM#56
2x marshtomp EM#36
2x lotad DX#63
2x lombre DX#34
1x ludicolo DX#19
2x zigzagoon SS#85
2x linoone RS#38
2x lum berry
2x potion
1x wallys training
2x masterball
1x mr stones project
1x celios network
1x rare candy
2x scott
1x prof. oaks reasearch
2x copy cat
2x strength charm
1x tv reporter
11 psychic
8 water
please fix
It looks okay at first glance and it really is a good idea.
One that could be a lot of fun but I think we need to set a
few things straight-this deck adds up to 63 cards! That is
just enough to get you laughed at if you show face anywhere
carrying such a deck. Thus to avoid the embarassment, we
must cut it down somehow, and I think that the easiest thing
to do is to cut the Spoink and Grumpig from the get-go. The
Pokemon in this deck are running rampant anyway. Other than
that I like your Poke-lineup.
Trainers are another problem. I really hate to see singles
in decks-especially when it comes to the trainers. You see,
trainers are the backbone-they are what keep your deck and
strategy running smoothly. Pokemon are important, but are
worthless without trainers. I suggest you run something
more like this:
3 Rare Candy
2 Wally's Training
2 Masterball
2 Celio's Network
3 Professor Oak's Research
3 Copycat
3 Strength Charm
Slightly more stable--more prdictable and less prone to
fate. Evil man that fate. Always will get you into trouble
if you let him.
The energy here are almost okay but I think we should just
even out the amounts a little, since after cutting the
Spoink line we have one extra space, I think we just run ten
of each type. That is a good, even, and effective number to
go on and should work just as well as the other arrangement.
The final deck should look something like this:
Pokemon (22)
3 Ralts
2 Kirlia (# 33)
1 Kirlia (# 35)
3 Gardevior
2 Mudkip
2 Marshtomp
2 Lotoad
2 Lombre
1 Ludicolo
2 Zigzagoon
2 Linoone
Trainers (18)
3 Rare Candy
2 Wally's Training
2 Masterball
2 Celio's Network
3 Professor Oak's Research
3 Copycat
3 Strength Charm
Energy (20)
10 Water
10 Psychic
This will give you plenty of card drawing and finding
options while still retaining the deck's original basic
structure. As I have stated in my other articles, multiples
are your friend and having fun is what it is all about. If
you lack those two elements, then the game ceases to have
any kind of meaning--so go have fun with your newly tweaked