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SoSlow's Safeway
Garage Name: SoSlow's
E-mail: PojoSoSlow@sbcglobal.net
Feh...well this is my garage. I'm not too picky when it
comes to fixing
decks, I just ask that you
1. Organize your deck list by Pokemon (try to keep babies
all together), then
Trainers, then Energy
2. SPECIFY the exact Pokemon you're using. Simply put an
abbreviation of the
expansion right after, if there are more than one of that
Poke in the same
set (like a Neo set), then just put the level right after.
BUT, if its a
card-e Pokemon, you'll need to put something to denote
which version it is.
DO NOT PUT THE ID #! I'll admit I'm weird but not weird
enough to memorize
those things or even bother to look up what they are. All
you need to do is
make some sorta denotation about what type it is (or if
the other one in the
set has the same type, HP, or an attack it has)
Feraligatr NG, Lv.69
Exeggutor AQ (Grass)
Chikorita EX (40HP)
(oh yeah, and please call EX: Ruby&Sapphire R/S or
something other than
3. Give me a format. Do you want it in the style of
current DCI modified? Is
it Unlimited? LC-on? Card-e On? (or if you're even crazy
enough to think
Nintendo's new modified format will be EX-on O_o) It'll be
impossible for
me to fix your deck without knowing the format
4. Unless you won't mind if I happen to totally change
around the focus of
the deck, pop me a small strategy so I know what I'm
dealing with. (And any
possible metagame worries you have)
5. When sending your deck, in the Subject of your e-mail,
put " (Deck
Name/Type) - (Format)"
Thats all I ask ;)
Remember, send decks to
Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking
news ... send them to us. We'll post it on the site
... and give you all the credit.