My 7 year old sister made this
deck. Can you help her fix it? Please don't put in a lot of
rares, because she doesn't have that many. She wants to make it
an all electric deck, but
she doesn't know what to add and won't listen to me. Thank you
very much. I know this deck
isn't very good, but she managed to beat some people with it. She
has a lot of electric Pokemon,
so feel free to add those.
Ok, for starters, thank you for telling me that your sister doesn't have a lot of rares. Making an all electric deck though, will be difficult, as many of the best electric Pokemon are rares. Also, thanks for telling me your sister is 7. Knowing how old a person is helps me to talor my deck fix to that person's general playing ability. I've gotten a lot of slack for fixing really bad decks--but this is why I do it. Not everyone who plays Pokemon is age 11-14, or 15+. Younger players tend to make decks a lot like the one your sister did. Now, on to the deck, and the fix. |
+00 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -2 -1 -1 -1 +2 +1 -1 -1 -1 |
Pokemon 3 Pikachu (2J/1P)
The first major problem this deck has is
that there are way too many single cards in it. We can
work with her idea of having an all electric deck, but
unless she has the rares to put into it, an all electric
deck isn't really going to work. I can see here that she
has a lot of fighting Pokemon as well, and some colorless
too. Begin by removing the Voltorb, and Electrode. Since she only has one of them they aren't going to do her much good. Add one Jolteon, and one Eevee, to bring the total number of electric type Pokemon up to 12. Now, let's look at the colorless Pokemon. add 1 Rattata, and 1 Ratticate. Having 1 card of anything in your deck generally doesn't work well, because the odds of getting the card are too low. Remove Ditto. Sure, he's a great card, but since you only have one, and you said she didn't have many rares, she could use the room for something else. Now, remove 2 Geodude, 1 Graveler, 1 Mankey, and 1 Golem, as well as the Aerodactyl, Kabuto, and Kabutops. Why? Geodude is a smelly Pokemon, that rarely works, and you only have singles of the others. Add 2 Cubone and 1 Marrowack. If you have them, you could also add 2 Hitmonchan--but let's leave them out at this time. What does that leave us with: You now have a total of 21 Pokemon, mostly Pokemon with only base->stage I evolutions. Continue on to see what we did with your trainers. |
+1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +2 +2 +2 +5 +1 |
Trainers 1 Bill
Energy 2 DCE |
You had a good start where your trainers
were concerned, but you only had singles of many of them.
You also had no switches, gust of wind, or Professor Oak. Add 1 Bill, 1 Plus Power, 1 Energy Removal, 2 Professor Oak, 2 Switch, and 2 Gust of Wind; and remove the Mysterious Fossil, the Pokeball, and Full heal. Oaks and Bills let you draw the cards you are needing, and the switches let you retreat even if you are confused, paralyzed, or have no energy to retreat with. Use Gust of Wind to bring up those low HP or damaged Pokemon of your opponent. That gives you: Now, you have room for 22 energies. You did well in including 2 DCE. But, you need to bump up your Electric energies. If you have all those electric Pokemon, you will need the energy to power them. Add 5 more electric energies, and one more fighting. So, as your final deck you have:
Not only is this
deck a little more refined, with a reasonable number of
Pokemon and thier respective evolutions, this deck has workable trainers and enough energy to power your Pokemon. Have your sister make these
changes, and let me know how they work for her. |