>Hey My deck is called Judgement Day and it is a fire deck. Here goes.
>3x Vulpix
>3x Ninetales
>2x Kangaskhan
>2x Jigglypuff
>2x Wigglytuff
>1x Chansey
>4x Charmander
>4x Magmar
>1x Gust of Wind
>1x Switch
>3x Energy Retrieval
>2x Potion
>2x Pokemon Trader
>2x Bill
>2x Professor Oak
>3x Double Colorless
>23x Fire Energy
>My Deck is focused around the strong basics Charmander and Magmar to deal
>damage in the beginning of the game.  During the game you should bring out
>Kangaskhan and stall and keep drawing cards until he dies then you should
>your Wigglytuff/Wigglytuffs all charged and your Ninetales charged to
>off the game.  The Pokemon Traders are to help you get your Pokemon in
>And the other trainers you should pretty much know what they are for.
>My name is Dylan and my e-mail address is NMFlight44@aol.com if you have
>comments about my deck no matter how gruesome they are.

This deck needs a little bit of work, but has a good strategy. First, don't
try to stall with a Kangaskahn, or you will lose it (if you don't care then
fine). Kangaskahn is not so much a staller as it is an opportunist. 90HP is
good, but do damage preventing or healing attacks, along with that 3 retreat
cost make this Pokémon not very practical for stalling. This card is good
for very early in the game, especially if you are slow to start. I usually
put 1 in my Raindance to help get my Blastoises and such out so I can get
rolling. Also it has a decent attack. Though I've only gotten 80 damage 2
times in my life, I almost always get 40, which is a decent number for a
basic. Well what I'm saying (kinda got off track) is that the best staller
is Chansey. I'd just cut back 1 Ninetails and get another Jigglypuff to fix
the Pokémon. The trainers need a little bit more work. I'd drop 2
Charmanders for 2 Computer Search, drop an Energy Retrieval for a Super
Potion, and that's about it. A for the Energy, you might run a little bit
low. I don't know if this deck would, but if you do, drop 1 Ninetails and 1
Vulpix, along with a Jiggly and a Wiggly. That'll give room for 4 more, and
won't be sacrificing anything super vital. As far as I can tell, this deck
will do fine, as long as you don't run into alot of water or ERs.

                     Jeremy  Woods
                    ¼ ½ ¼ ½ ¼ ½ ¼ ½