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Kyle Theaker's Deck Garage
April 27, 2005

Hello all, I’m back with another fix. Today’s fix comes from Aziz. Before I start, let me say that I’m not receiving as many emails as I’d like.

Please send in your decks. Remember, I’ll do Unlimited decks. Anyway, here’s the deck. This is a Crobat deck.

Hi Kyle! My name is Aziz.

I'm trying to make a good Crobat deck, that has free retreat, and this is what my friend and I came up with:

Pokemon - 24
4 x Zubat (HL)
2 x Golbat (HL)
2 x Crobat (HL)
2 x Crobat EX (DX)
2 x Pidgey (FRLG)
1 x Pidgeotto (FRLG)
2 x Pidgeot (FRLG)
2 x Natu (SS)
2 x Xatu (SS)
3 x Dunsparce (SS)
2 x Jirachi (HL)

Trainers - 20
3 x Prof. Oak's Research (FRLG)
2 x Steven's Advice (HL)
3 x Celio's Network (FRLG)
1 x Low Pressure System (DR)
1 x Space Center (DX)
4 x Rare Candy (SS)
2 x Mr. Briney's Compassion (DR)
2 x Swoop! Teleporter (TRR)
2 x Surprise! Time Machine (TRR)

Energy - 16
16 x Grass Energy (RS)

About the access to cards, I have pretty much every Crobat-related card, and I have all the "standard" trainers these days, so you could reccomend anything, basically. This is a modified deck, and this is the main

Turn 1:
Move 1 - Put Dunsparce active
Move 2 - Attach Grass Energy
Move 3 - Strike and Run (Search for Pidgey,Zubat and Jirachi) Move 4 - "Run" with Jirachi (now Jirachi is active)

Turn 2:
Move 1 - Attach Grass Energy to Jirachi
Move 2 - Either evolve the Pidgey or Zubat to Pidgeotto/Golbat (if you have them in your hand) Move 3 - Make a Wish (evolve Pidgey to Pidgeotto)

And then you continue from there. It should result in a turn 2-3 Pidgeot.

If you could please help me improve this deck it'd be really appreciated!

Okay, I like the idea of a Crobat deck. It seems pretty simple, yet fun.
Let’s break it all down, shall we?


The Pokémon line seems pretty solid, but I don’t see much purpose of the Xatu line so let’s drop ‘em.

- 2 Natu

- 2 Xatu

As for the bats, everything looks good, but you should definitely run the Deoxys Golbat. Free retreat is far better than auto-confusion, as Golbat will rarely be active. When it is, Spiral Drain is decent, allowing Golbat to take a few hits for the team before retreating. Let’s also lose 1 Jirachi, as Rare Candy does the job superbly.

- 1 Jirachi

Now we’ll add a Dunsparce and we’re good to go.

+ 1 Dunsparce


Here’s where we’ll do the overhaul. Your draw engine has the right idea, but needs strength. I really like the Steven/Copycat combo, but if you prefer Research, that’s just fine. Regardless, max out your Steven’s Advice.

+ 2 Steven’s Advice

Let’s also run another Celio. It provides great searching.

+ 1 Celio’s Network

The stadium idea is also nice, but the only real threat in the form of Poké-bodies is Wobbuffet, who’s gonna be dropped soon, so trade the Space Center for another Low Pressure System. We’ll also scrap the Swoop! It’s not very good, in my opinion, for this deck. In their slots, we’ll tech in a VS Seeker, great in many Modified decks, and ATM Rock.

- 1 Space Center

- 2 Swoop! Teleporter

+ 1 Low Pressure System

+ 1 VS Seeker

+ 1 ATM Rock


We have 1 extra energy slot so tech a Multi Energy. Why? Because I said so! Don’t question my tech or I won’t share any more of my tech with you :-).

Your final count should look like this:

Pokémon: 20

[4] Dunsparce

[4] Zubat

[2] Golbat

[2] Crobat

[2] Crobat ex

[2] Pidgey

[1] Pidgeotto

[2] Pidgeot

[1] Jirachi

Trainers: 23

[4] Celio’s Network

[4] Rare Candy

[4] Steven’s Advice

[3] Professor Oak’s Research/Copycat (You pick)

[2] Surprise! Time Machine

[2] Mr. Briney’s Compassion

[2] Low Pressure System

[1] VS Seeker

[1] Ancient Technical Machine [Rock]

Energy: 17

[16] Grass Energy

[1] Multi Energy (Don’t question the tech…)

So that wraps it up. Next up is a neat Unlimited Sleep deck. Keep reading, send in your decks, and have fun.

Well, that covers it.  I hope this deck serves you well.  Enjoy.

Kyle (kyle0308@bellsouth.net)

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