Well this time im goin to fix up an old favorite: Blaines
Lots of people think that with removals and a sneasel, Magmar will
fall. Im going to show you the most efficient way for Magmar to
"okay, so this is just a Blaine's Magmar deck, but I'm not quite
sure what to put in aside from magmar, and what to to keep from losing from
lack of bench; here's what I have so far
4 Blaine's
2 Fossil Moltres
moltres are there to keep a prescence on the
becnh, and to put the extra
fires I'll be drawing onto something
4 computer Search
4 Pokemon March
these are
the surest ways to get a second ot third pokemon on the
46 Fire Energy
obviously, these are to keep hittting
my opponet for 100 each turn
I don't care about modified format, since I
don'y even know if tourneys
exist anymore..
and I'm sure I can get
whatever I need
Ok cool. As soon as I saw blaines
magmar, i felt like this is a deck i should share. From experience, i can
say this really is a powerful deck theme.
Anyway, now to the
fixes. First off, pokemon march is has better substitutes such as Lanettes
Net Search, which give you a free pokemon (and not your opponent), and Pokemon
Fan Club. Second, you leave yourself a little weak to (S)ER's and heavy
hitters. This is why Focus Band, Blaine, and No Removal Gym were
created. Since you couldnt fit (S)ERs of your own, its perfect.
Finally, you know that decking is a big problem, so use Town Volunteers!
~~~6 pokemon~~~
4 Blaines Magmar
1 Elekid
1 Tyrogue
4 Focus Band
4 Blaine
3 CPU Search
3 Town
2 Pokemon Fan club
1 No Removal Gym
~~~37 energy
37 Fire energy
Now everyone has their own tastes for
Magmar. I once used him with more babies. I've seen him used with
Typhlosion(Genesis and SuperSinge), Entei and scoop ups, and the less effective
4 Blaines magmar 4 Town Volunteers 52 Fire energy. This shouldnt be a deck
for a tournament, but it sure is fun. For casual play, I love this
deck. It really brings back memories to me.
I like keeping these
things short and sweet. No obvious details or hour long flashbacks =P. Now
pass go and collect $200- cya next time and thanx for reading!!!