Deck Emergency!
Caleb sent in a deck that he’s been having problems with. And it does need a lot of help.
Caleb says, “I put Unown N on the bench to protect against colorless Pokémon. I usually end up using Cyndaquil the most in a game because of its 1 energy/20 damage attack. Tyrogue comes in if Cyndaquil faints. All this to bide time to get either Charmeleon or Arcanine (or both!) fully powered up, and sent out. Electabuzz is in because of its 70HP, but not much else. I use Brock's Training Method to get one of the Charmeleon/Arcanine evolution lines early in the battle. Berry helps some to...The problem is, i usually lose with deck, because i don't have any pokemon left on the field, not because they get all their prizes.
Pokémon Trainers
1x Cyndaquil (neo gen) 1x Berry
1x Unown N (neo discovery) 1x Bill
1x Tyrogue (neo discovery) 1x Pluspower
1x Koga's Pidgey (gym challenge) 1x Pokedex
1x Electabuzz (neo gen) 1x Secret Mission
1x Growlithe (base) 1x Energy Flow
1x Arcanine (base) 1x Low Pressure System
1x Blaine's Charmander (gym heroes) 1x Energy Search
1x Pikachu (jungle) 1x Moo Moo Milk
1x Lt. Surge's Magnemite (gym heroes) 1x Blaine's Last Resort
2x Charmander (base) 2x Gust Of Wind
2x Charmeleon (base) 2x Energy Removal
2x Ponyta (base) 2x Potion
2x Rapidash (jungle) 1x Super Potion
2x Switch
13x Fire Energy
6x Lightning Energy
1x Potion Energy
1x Full Heal Energy
This deck is a perfect opportunity to talk about some deck-building basics that everyone needs to think about when building their decks. Caleb is worried about the condition of his cards and therefore doesn’t want to use his good ones in his deck. Everyone should know about deck protectors. These are clear plastic, flexible sleeves that fit over your cards and allow you to play with them without damaging them. There are a few good brand out there, but I use Ultra PRO. You can find them at any hobby shop. They usually come in boxes of 100 and can have colored backs which will also allow you to mix Japanese cards into your deck without worrying about their different backs.
The other thing you want to realize is that a deck needs consistency. That means that you can depend on drawing the cards that you need and not have to worry about them being buried in your deck. Not getting a needed card for 3 or 4 turns will spell doom. That, more than anything, is what will cause the above deck to lose. So, how to get consistency? Have multiple copies of the same card and have search and draw cards that help you find them. This deck has way too many ones and twos of cards. It need to have 3’s and 4’s of its most important cards. Some cards can be kept at one or two, but these should be cards that you won’t need all the time or not until late game. Now, if you have 3 or 4 copies of each card, that means that you can’t have all these different Pokémon and Trainers in your deck. You’ll need to choose some to drop while you increase the count of those you keep.
You have a Fire theme here, so let’s keep that. Electabuzz is also a good card, so we can backup the Fire with him, which will help counter Water decks. You’ll need more drawing power. Pokémon is unusual in TCG games in how much draw power is available, so take advantage of it.
Here, Caleb, try this. It’s not a very strong deck, but it’s a step up from where you were:
Pokémon (23) Trainers (16)
3x Cleffa (neo genesis) 3x Berry
1x Unown N (neo discovery) 3x Gust Of Wind
2x Tyrogue (neo discovery) 4x Prof Elm
3x Electabuzz (base set) 4x Computer Search
3x Growlithe (base) 2x Switch
3x Arcanine (base)
3x Charmander (base)
3x Charmeleon (base)
2x Charizard (base, base 2, or Legendary Coll.)
Energy (21)
9x Fire Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Recycle Energy
4x Lightning Energy