Pokemon TCG Chat Report #4 Every week Wizards of the Coast hosts an online Chat for customers to post questions about the Pokemon Trading Card Game, and have them answered real time. It occurs every Thursday afternoon and is located at the chat feature of their website: As a service to PoJo fans (and a fun bit of goofing off), I attend these chats as often as I can. I always try to ask a few questions that we've all been wondering about, but mostly I take a LOT of notes to recap the chat for you. As usual, I don't have the ability to save the chat log word-for-word. So everything in here, from the Questions to the official Answers are my best attempt at maintaining the spirit of the conversations. Date: 2/17/2000 Thursday 2pm - 5pm PST Wow! What a fun and lively chat this was! I showed up just a little late (the new, early start time threw me off at first) but I never counted less than 42 people online! That's a record for these sessions. And, in addition to the ability to register questions via the /ASK command to keep the Q&A session moving at a brisk pace, Wizards allowed the folks sitting in the chat room watching official Answers scroll by to casually CHAT for a change! This was VERY much appreciated. It can be pretty dull watching the same old questions get asked and answered time and time again... It was fun to hold a few small conversations during those dull times, and in many instances fans in the chat room provided some pretty cool gossip to report on too. With this many "chatters" and less restriction on spam, it did get a little hectic at times. But it's pretty easy to just ignore a few lines of scroll from someone you aren't interested in listening to, to ensure that you can exchange comments with someone else that you do want to talk to. (However, it is VERY difficult to stick to my job of taking notes when the PoJo webmaster is sending me private messages about my inability to log the chat word-for-word.. Back off Butch ;-) I'm definitely excited to keep future chat sessions using this exact same format. In terms of questions being asked and answered, this week did not provide too many brilliant revelations. I'll organize the Q&A listed below into 3 catagories: Collector Info, Rules Info, Silly Info: Collector Info:
A: The recent print runs of Jungle accidently forgot to put the Jungle expansion symbol on the holo sheets. They are real cards. We do not keep track of values here so you could check out price guides in a few months or ask a local hobby/card store.
A: We don't make them, but we've heard July sometime
A: No such plans at this time.
A: "We will be looking into making other Pokemon accessories available."
A: "We've never guaranteed rarity. The cards are randomly inserted at the factory."
A: "1st edition are printed for 3 days only only, the unlimited are still print, so 3 into infinity is ...?????"
A: Sorry, but we cannot comment on it. (note from Brian: Last week he suggested that they could create new cards, but didn't plan on doing so.)
A: No.
A: We are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our cards, I will pass that along.
A: Unforunately we don't have anymore of them, sorry.
A: For right now the promo Jigglypuff is only available through the movie soundtrack.
A: Sorry but we can't comment on cards that we have not released.
A: No plans at this time.
A: Yes it is.
A: I don't know.
A: If they get the Mew card, it would be released through the league there (not sure though), sorry.
A: No. Only unlimited print cards.
A: Yes, they will be the same.
A: When Team Rocket comes out, with BS2 and Fossil still available, you will be able to get all of the original 150 Pokemon (as cards) still. Some cards are less popular, some will appear in other sets.
A: Our plan for now is only with the BS2 starter sets.
A: New card number and BS2 expansion symbol... that's it. (no other changes)
A: Base Set will be discontnued at some point but we don't have an exact date yet.
A: Can't comment.
A: Yes, and they will be released at the same time as Unlimited print cards.
A: We don't know the online store's plans regarding this.
A: Yes, just like Jungle and Fossil.
A: Sorry but we can't comment on cards that we haven't released
A: Not yet, mid April is all we know so far.
A: Sorry, can't comment on cards that we have not released.
A: Sorry, can't comment on cards that we have not released.
A: Because sometimes plans change before cards are released.
A: Stop askin' and i'll stop answerin.
A: Yes, later this year (2000). No specific date yet.
A: There will be two sets.
A: The Japanese Gym Sets 1&2 will be combined and Gym Sets 3&4 will be combined. (note from Brian: According to Media Factory's website, Gym Set #1 is comprised of the Brock and Misty Theme decks. Gym Set #2 is Lt. Surge and Erika. Gym Set #3 is Blaine and Sabrina. There is no mention of a Set #4, and they do not refer to the two Gym Leaders expansions with "Set numbers". I really have no clue what Master_Trainer Mike is alluding to here.)
A: "There are no plans for Neo translations this year (Rocket and Gym sets are coming out). Rules Info:
A: There are no plans to do so.
A: No plans at this time for online Pokemon.
A: Yes, they will.
A: Yes.
A: You can use non-english cards that are copies of cards already rele3ased in english only. You must have 1 english copy with you for translation purposes as well.
A: Yes.
A: There are no plans to ban any cards at this time.
A: There are no plans for such a thing at this time.
A: The rule book is available for free on the web site. If it was included in boosters, it would most likely raise the price and no one wants that.
A: "The rule book is incorrect, you lose immediately if you do not have an active Pokemon."
A: No, you MAY draw two cards, you do not have to.
A: No, you don't have to.
A: Yes, it does.
A: If your Pokemon is put to sleep, you can flip at the end of the attacker's turn. If you get heads, it wakes up and can act normally during your turn.
A: No, Rain Dance says you must take water energy from your hand and place it on one of your water Pokemon.
A: Yes.
A: No, because Plus Power will only do the extra damage if the original attack does damage (after applying weakness and resistance)
A: Yes it is.
A: Nope, if it is the active Pokemon and it is not asleep, confused, or paralyzed, the Transfrom power happens automatically.
A: "HyperFang does damage equal to half the remaining HP that the defender has, then the PlusPower does 10 more."
A: No.
A: Haunter's Trainer
A: Yes, Clefable copies all effects of the attack.
A: Muk's don't cancel each other out. Toxic Gas does not affect other Toxic Gasses.
A: Yes.
A: Yes, lose.
A: Yes you do.
A: Yes, you could.
Yes it is. Evolving (like benching) removes these effects.
A: No, Vileplume's Heal doesn't work when it is confused.
A: Like any other Pokemon card, no special rules.
A: No, they can be evolved from non TR cards.
A: You are limited to only 4 of any named Pokemon. Charizard and Evil Charizard are different names so you can use 4 of each. Silly Info: Because the chat was so much longer and less restrained in the room, we witnessed a lot more silly questions and answers scrolling by. Here are just a few that I kept track of:
A: "Hmmmmm, no."
A: All Pokemon Trainers like donuts.
A: "Nope, they're MINE!!"
A: "I've always been partial to saying the word WEEDLE alot." (note from Brian: ...and he subjected us to this WEEDLE fetish of his many MANY times over 3 hours ;-)
A: "Enough to build a 1 tenth scale replica of the Space Needle." Correction: Make that the Space WEEDLE.
A: "If they listened to me it would be WEEDLE."
A: "They keep making them, but we keep eatin' them."
Welp, that was long, but fun. |