Well, this was a big week at the Chat. The East
Coast STS deck format structure was announced and both the STS and the
QT’s will be DCI-sanctioned (you will need a number to play). Also,
a surprising little mix-up has disclosed what the next two Pokemon League
promo cards are going to be.
P.S. We’re gonna miss you Jackie (news editor
for Pojo).
//Deck Format:
master_trainer_mike says, “In order to provide a
more robust play environment, we have, as in the past, created a deck design
format for the East Coast Super Trainer Showdown. That format will be as
follows:” master_trainer_mike says, “Only Pokemon TCG cards from the
following sets may be used: Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge and Neo
Genesis. Cards from any sets previous to these sets or from the Neo
Discovery set are not permitted for deck construction.”
master_trainer_mike says, “All Pokemon TCG promo cards may be used, with
the exception of promo cards that have identical versions in Pokemon TCG
card sets that are have been restricted from use. This includes all
Pre-Release and foil stamped versions of these cards. (Pre-Release Clefable,
Pre-Release Aerodactyl, etc.)” master_trainer_mike says, “Sneasel, a
Pokemon from the Neo Genesis expansion cannot be played in this event.”
master_trainer_pat says, “Sneasel-free STS!” master_trainer_mike says,
“We have removed the older sets from this environment in order to generate
new deck styles and deck ideas for play. A large enough base of cards has
been included to allow players to build decks without limiting the types of
viable Pokemon, or removing the key cards necessary to play decks with
multiple Pokemon types.” master_trainer_mike says, “The decision to
remove Sneasel from this environment does not indicate that we consider the
card a problem for normal constructed play. We did feel that, in this
environment, Sneasel presented too strong a Pokemon choice to be ignored by
skilled trainers and that he would be included in most decks. We felt this
would not allow decks ideas to be fully realized, since Sneasel would be
chosen as the optimal Active Pokemon. It is our belief that with the release
of later sets, that Sneasel will not populate decks so fully as to curb good
deck construction concepts.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#55 from feralshade:
Is the non-base-jungle-fossil format restricted to the
entire event?
master_trainer_pat says, “No, just the main DCI
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #71 from phoenixaudubon:
For the STS format, when you say that only cards from
Team Rocket and later are allowed, does that include both Base Sets?
master_trainer_mike says, “Correct, no cards from
Base, Jungle, Fossil or Base Set 2 are allowed.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #162 from hi_jynx: Must my basic energy cards have the
Hero/Challenge/Neo symbol on them (asking half seriously)?
master_trainer_mike says, “No, you can use basic energy from
earlier sets.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#182 from delta00_pokemasters: if i only have energy from base set can i
still use it? (electric, water etc.)
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#183 from delta00_pokemasters: this means no DCE...right?
master_trainer_pat says, “You can use basic energy,
but not DCE’s”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#216 from hi_jynx: No Double Colorless Energy allowed at the ECSTS? ;-(
master_trainer_pat says, “That’s right.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#201 from phoenixaudubon: So, what’s the caveat for using promos again?
master_trainer_pat says, “You can use any of the
Black Star promos except for Ancient Mew an B-day Pikachu”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #87 from general_surge: Why did you ban [Sneasel] when Media
Factory said you can’t?
master_trainer_mike says, “Media Factory had
concerns that we discussed with them. This is only for the one STS!”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#101 from phoenixaudubon: Will this be the first time a single card has been
banned from a tournament not for being a humorous card?
master_trainer_pat says, “Not in Japan.”
master_trainer_pat says, “Here, for Pokemon? Yes.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question
#165 from trovtwo: So Sneasel can still be played in tournaments?
master_trainer_mike says, “sure, just not in the main
tournaments at the ESTS”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #92 from intensity: So if its Rocket through Neo, does that mean
that Neo 2 won’t be released by the time the ECSTS rolls around?
says, “Ah good question.” master_trainer_mike says, “Since it will
most likely be released only a short time before the ESTS, we have decided
to be fair, that it will not be allowed in the main tournaments.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#170 from delta00_pokemasters: will crosstrainer be allowed at ESTS?? master_trainer_pat
says, “It won’t be out by then.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #184 from feralshade: will prop 3-15 be in effect at any of the
ests events?
master_trainer_mike says, “15/3 is dead! A big old
rock fell on its head.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #202 from phoenixaudubon: Will this format apply to WCSTS as well?
master_trainer_mike says, “NO!!”
[CHRISBO NOTE: They will most likely have a different
format at that time.]
//DCI Sanctioning:
master_trainer_mike says, “Some announcements,
first some DCI info for you. Since
the QT’s and the STS main tournaments are all DCI sanctioned, if you
participate in one of the 2 day QT’s and you win on the first day, you
CANNOT participate in the same tournament on the second day. This will also
be true at the STS. If you happen to win on of the 3 age group main
tournaments on Saturday, you will NOT be able to participate in the same
tournament on Sunday.” master_trainer_mike says, “Of course, you would
be welcome to take part in the leagues or other activities, just not the
main tournament again.” master_trainer_mike says, “Also since these are
DCI sanctioned events you WILL have to have a DCI number. If you don’t
already have one, you can get one (for free of course) when you register for
these events.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#122 from xvssgohanvx: Will You need your DCI card for the Qualifiers?
master_trainer_pat says, “You will need your card if
you have one. If you don’t you can sign up there”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#43 from chrisbo: If I have an old DCI number that got registered during
Pokemon League Year 1, but haven’t used it since then, is it still a valid
number to use for the STS?
master_trainer_pat says, “Yes.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #133 from phoenixaudubon: Is it true everyone starts out with the
same DCI rating when they sign up for a number?
master_trainer_mike says, “Yes, 1600 is your
starting rating.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#8 from chrisbo: If you qualify for three byes at the STS, can you choose to
use only some of them or do you have to use all three? If “some”, then
do you have to state up front how many you’re going to use or can you
decide at any time during the first three rounds? master_trainer_pat says, “You can choose to use them or not.
You cannot split them up.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #12 from warlockmaster: Can we confirm what Shawn [Smith] has said,
that your opponents’ w/l percentage will be used instead of resistance at
the STS as a tiebreaker, and this will have no drawback for those who accept
byes? If so this is great, because it eliminates the worry associated with
taking byes under a resistance tiebreaker :-)
master_trainer_mike says, “Correct, opponent’s
win/loss will be used for tiebreakers if necessary.” master_trainer_mike
says, “BTW, anything that Shawn says on the Pokegym IS OFFICIAL!”
master_trainer_mike says, “Though he has been known to be wrong from time
to time... :)”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question
#260 from pika_fx: At the STS Qualifier Tournaments are those DCI
Tournaments? Will they make your ratings go higher or what?
master_trainer_mike says, “yes they are sanctioned
and can affect your DCI rating”
//Qualifier Tours (QT’s):
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#112 from pika_fx: Does this apply to the Qualifier Tournament? The “no”
Sneasel rule?
master_trainer_pat says, “No it does not. It only
applies to the STS itself.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#129 from gold_gyarados: so does the format have effect on the qt’s?
master_trainer_pat says, “no”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #127 from pika_fx: How long are the Qualifier Tournaments? As in
the day? What time will they start at?
master_trainer_mike says, “The 2 days events run 10
am to 6pm, the one day events vary. Contact the TO [tournament organizer]
and ask them.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #151 from ninetales2000: Is there enough time for one to play in
the qualifier AND participate in the league to get a promo? master_trainer_mike says, “Sure, there are multiple flights
on the 2 day qt’s, you should have time to do both.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #190 from scrye_fung:
MTM .. What’s the schedule like for the upcoming
Seattle qualifier? Got a website where I can check out? master_trainer_mike says, “There is not a specific schedule
outside of multiple flights for the qt’s and league activities the whole
time. MT Pat, DMT Mike and I will be there both days in the league zone
playing and others will come and go.” master_trainer_pat says, “Yes! So
if you’re in the area come by and challenge us!”
[CHRISBO NOTE: The Seattle qualifiers are this
weekend, April 28 & 29.]
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #86 from mewtrhee: What about the qualifiers in other countries?
Will there be a qualifier in Greece?
master_trainer_mike says, “We will be announcing
qualifiers for Europe for events later, watch our web site for details when
we have them.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #89 from lugia_401: Do you know if there will be discounts for
hotel and/or plane fairs if you’re with your family and/or a group. Like
group or special rates?
master_trainer_mike says, “At this point I would
recommend contacting hotels yourself. We have not heard of any info as of
master_trainer_mike says, “The Season 4 promo for
the league will NOT be Scizor as some of you may already know. It will be
Igglybuff (promo #36). Due to
some shipping errors, the Igglybuff point grid stickers were sent out to the
leagues along with the Scizors. We will be sending out the Igglybuff
cards to use with the point grids stickers for Season 4. All Leagues will be
told to hold onto the Scizors for Season 5 instead.” master_trainer_mike
says, “If a league gives away its Scizors before Season 5, it will NOT be
given any more copies of that card so pass along that they want to hold onto
them or they will be without any promo cards until Season 6.”
master_trainer_mike says, “Don’t forget you can also do an activity and
earn a very cool Reverse-Holo Pichu in Season 4 as well. Supplies are
limited so get to your league now!”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#21 from trovtwo: Was Igglybuff supposed to be the Season 4 promo?
master_trainer_pat says, “That’s right.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#60 from soslowpoke: What # promo is Igglybuff?
master_trainer_pat says, “36”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question
#145 from feralshade: Being that it’s scheduled for release around this
weekend (shipping error aside), can you reveal any specs for #36?
master_trainer_mike says, “Well, like most Pokemon
cards it is 3.5” by 2.5””
master_trainer_mike says, “hee hee hee”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#96 from ninetales2000: Should Iggly arrive by Saturday?
master_trainer_pat says, “No, probably not.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#72 from soslowpoke: so leagues will be getting Igglybuffs in soon(how soon)
and they will get more scizors next season?
master_trainer_pat says, “We can’t say how soon.
You will not be getting more Scizors, so don’t go giving them out yet.”
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with
question #82 from lugia_401:
Did the scizor promo come out yet? master_trainer_mike
says, “It will be the season 5 card.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#68 from feralshade: do you have a more definitive date for Discovery’s
release? master_trainer_pat
says, “No, we don’t yet.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#100 from y2ace: When is the Official Release date for Neo Discovery What
day and month?
master_trainer_pat says, “Sometime in June.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#152 from trovtwo: Will the ruin tower be the symbol for Neo2 like it was in
master_trainer_pat says, “Yes.”
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#218 from trovtwo: Re152 So will the Neo2 Symbol be larger or smaller than
it’s Japanese one?
master_trainer_pat says, “As far as I can tell it
looks the same.”