Not much news this week; Neo: Revelation is just around the corner, but the MT's are as tight-lipped as ever about it. One thing they did say is that
there aren't going to be any theme decks for this release (boo-hoo). Oh well, you guys can read the rest.
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #7 from feralshade:
any new Revelation release updates?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yeah, we got our cards and they are great!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Not I."
master_trainer_mike says, "You will have to wait a bit
master_trainer_pat says, "I have not received my cards yet. I'm lower on the
totem pole than Mike."
master_trainer_mike says, "Definitely see some changes coming to the
Modified environment once this set hits."
darkmt_mike says, "I have your cards!"
master_trainer_pat says, "There's some fun stuff..."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #93 from
why did you decide to have no Neo 3 Theme Decks?
master_trainer_pat says, "To tell you the truth, I didn't even know that."
master_trainer_pat says, "I guess that tells you about how busy it's been
around here lately."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #101 from chrisbo:
Can you please confirm whether there will be any theme decks for Neo:
Revelation or not?
master_trainer_pat says, "I just found out for certain, there are no Theme
Decks for Neo Revelation."
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know exactly why, but that's the answer."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #117 from
Any more info on why there won't be any Theme Decks? I take it no new,
updated Rulebook. A good idea would be to have a new Starter deck with the
Play It CD including all the latest Neo sets.
master_trainer_mike says, "Theme decks don't really sell well. Many of our
retail partners won't even purchase them anymore."
master_trainer_mike says, "As for the Play It cd's, they actually cost quite
a lot to develop. When they were included in the latest Pokemon Starter it
still didn't sell very well."
master_trainer_mike says, "So there are no plans for anything like that
right now. I would keep an eye on our web site and the rulings document for
the latest rulings."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #94 from feralshade:
do you think the neo 4 translation will be appended to the american neo
trilogy or will it be the 1st of a new "block"?
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #28 from charwolf:
Do we know any additional info on the STS? Time frame for more info even?
master_trainer_mike says, "Final details being fleshed out and edited, hope
to have it up very soon."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #99 from sd_pokemom:
I know minors MUST have a parent's permission slip signed to participate at
WCSTS; but what about having a parent WITH them at WCSTS? Are kids allowed
to be "dropped off" there?
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know what the true answer to that is, but
I have to say after being at all the STS' that I discourage this sort of
thing especially for children under 13."
master_trainer_pat says, "There are a whole lot of people at these events
and it would be easy to get overwhelmed by everything. If I was a parent, I
would want to stick close by at the very least."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #108 from sd_pokemom:
RE: #99...sorry to have asked, but I'm afraid it might be asked at my
League, so I wanted an "Official" ruling. I'm not advocating drop-offs at
master_trainer_pat says, "I understand, I'm sorry I don't have an official
answer for you, but that's just what I feel after having been to them all."
master_trainer_mike says, "Correct, there is no official answer but it will
be a long day, with side events and lunch breaks. Young children shouldn't
be left to fend for themselves."
master_trainer_pat says, "It's a long day on my feet for me and very tiring,
I can imagine what it must be like to many youngsters."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #10 from
Will there be any famous Pokemon Artist again at the WCSTS (like Ken
master_trainer_pat says, "No one scheduled, but there could be some people
that show up at the last minute, who knows?"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #13 from
Will there be a new set on display at the WCSTS, just like Neo Genesis was
at the ECSTS 2000 and Southern Islands at the ECSTS 2001?
master_trainer_mike says, "dunno"
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #51 from yoshi1001:
What are you guys going to do with the world trainer center? Sorry if this
puts salt on anyone's wounds.
master_trainer_mike says, "There are no plans on bringing any of the old
monuments to the next STS."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #16 from
I've heard that there WCSTS Qualifiers in Japan. Is this true?
master_trainer_mike says, "They may be bringing a few players to the WSTS."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #32 from feralshade:
the phone-in preregistration still starts on the 8th?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes."
master_trainer_pat says, "Customer Service would like to respectfully ask
you to not call to pre-register until the 9th."
master_trainer_pat says, "Please."
master_trainer_pat says, "Please"
master_trainer_pat says, "Please"
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #41 from feralshade:
Customer Service is having a Columbus Day party?...sounds fun :)
master_trainer_pat says, "Nope. We just expect to be very busy on that day
already and it would sure make us happy if folks would hold off til Tuesday
to will all go so much smoother that way."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #77 from mini_mech:
are either of you going to the San Diego STS ?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, we will both be there."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #79 from mini_mech:
were can we plan to see you ?
master_trainer_pat says, "I can only say 'there'. I don't even know what the
convention center looks like yet."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #80 from mini_mech:
and are you easy to sight ?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, I tend to slink around in the shadows, but I
promise to wear bright orange golf pants to this event."
master_trainer_pat says, "Just kidding about the golf pants."
master_trainer_pat smirks.
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #72 from feralshade:
will any of the MTs or TC judges be participating in the side events or will
you be bogged down with main tourney rulings?
master_trainer_pat says, "There's a good chance that I may be running a side
event this year as I've asked for a break from judging this one...not that I
mind answering rules questions, but I prefer the casual event myself and I'd
like to work one of those once."
master_trainer_pat says, "The other MT's will probably be judging."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #37 from yoshi1001:
Clarify: Will there be a promo (assuming nothing breaks down in negotiation)
for the Mewtwo Returns VHS/DVD?
master_trainer_pat says, "Unable to clarify, sorry. It's too early."
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #47 from daytongl:
Any details about post Season 8 Leagues such as BAM? I run a League at a BAM
and they aren't forthcoming with the info.
master_trainer_mike says, "I know BAM is planning on a Pokemon Promotion
taking place after the league. They will get out details as they finish it
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #115 from snorlance:
Will any details on Year 3 of League be able to be announced prior to the
master_trainer_mike says, "Marketing for the new league will start later
this year. You might see some details come out by then."