Well, the WCSTS-2001 is finally over, but what a great
tournament they had. I met a lot of new faces again this time around
(including ScottG, ClefairyDoll, and Satoshi to name a few), and the entire
event ran smoother than ever. WotC did a GREAT job of reporting the event;
check out their website at http://www.wizards.com/pokemon/event.asp?event=sd01
for interviews, photos, standings, and even the pairings & results for
each and every individual round that was played (wow!).
Anyway, a lot of this week's chat were thank-you's to
all the people involved and people saying "it was great to meet the
MT's", "thanks for signing my card", and so forth. Besides
that, here are your weekly highlights.
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#307 from twinsen21_2000: Any plans on the WCSTS 3 or ECSTS 3 yet? ;-)
darkmaster_steve says, "nope, nothing yet.,"
master_trainer_pat says, "No, not yet."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#361 from mechachu: Were you guys disappointed at the dominance of Feralgatr
decks there? Any plans on Banning the Gator?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, I personally was a
bit disappointed that so many folks stuck with Feraligator."
darkmt_mike says, "Foil Entei..with
whatever..Magcargo...Blaines Arc. Sorry to see all the Gator's."
master_trainer_pat says, "but, I did see a number
of interesting decks like Macargo, Dark Alakazam and Ampharos"
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#415 from yoshi1001: So would you say the reason Gator was so successful is
that it was so prevalent?
darkmaster_steve says, "unlimited damage with 120
HP's, pretty nice."
master_trainer_pat says, "There just isn't
anything else that really counters it."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#371 from marril2000: Did the pokemon company seem to have a good time in
San Diego or was there a lot of things they didn't like?
darkmaster_steve says, "Seemed like it, I was a
bit busy, but I saw them playing cards with everyone."
master_trainer_pat says, "I really didn't get to
talk with them all that much. I hope they did."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#390 from yoshi1001: Is this the first time TPC ["The Pokemon
Company"] has had an STS presence?
master_trainer_pat says, "There have been folks
from TPC there in the past."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#366 from marril2000: in pokemon leauge year 3, it says on the order kit ad.
that there will be pikachu metal coins. Are this coins going to be handed
out to prevent riggage of the randomizer in the season end tournament or are
they just extras?
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth likes them to
throw at people, but I don't know how random that is"
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#372 from soslowpoke: Anything you can tell us about Year 3 of league?
darkmaster_steve says, "It's the 3rd year of the
league, I think that makes it the year of the rat, or horse, I don't know
master_trainer_pat says, "Did MT Mike already
leak that one of the promos will be Rainbow Energy? Is that old news?"
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#389 from matthewssandslash: Are there going to be recycled promos in year
darkmaster_steve says, "And maybe they will have
the recycle stamp on them? No I don't have information on promos,
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#392 from marril2000: what do you think of Dean Kamen 's Segway HT? also for
league year 3, the sheet said nothing about league books but did say their
would be a stamper, so what's the use for the stamper with out books?
master_trainer_pat says, "It's nutty. You better
not be confused when you get on the thing."
master_trainer_pat says, "You'll have to wait and
ask MT Mike about the League books or stampers, we really don't have the
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#311 from yoshi1001: So, there's no promo in Mewtwo Returns. Why didn't you
just tell us?
master_trainer_pat says, "We didn't know.
darkmaster_steve says, "I was in a box the whole
darkmt_mike says, "There's no promo in Mewtwo
darkmaster_steve says, "don't look at me."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#367 from soslowpoke: Anything you can disclose about the infamous Charizard
promo you've been talking about?
master_trainer_pat says, "It doesn't exist."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#368 from soslowpoke: Do you have the numbers of the Pokemon Tower and
Rainbow Energy Promos?
darkmaster_steve says, "no, not yet,"
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, they are 40 for
Pokemon Center and 41 for Lucky Stadium"
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#439 from twinsen21_2000: Some people have been calling up the WoTC Cust.
Service, asking about the #40 & #41 Promos. They will be re-released in
the future so that more people can get them, right?
darkmaster_steve says, "they will be released
again later, but we don't know how just yet."
master_trainer_pat says, "They will be released
at some point in the future, we just don't know how yet."
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#458 from yoshi1001: Do you think we will see more, less, or about the same
number of promos next year?
darkmaster_steve says, "I don't know really, they
haven't said."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#323 from crosstrainer: Any idea when we will be seeing Neo 4 Chansey?
darkmt_mike says, "Feb."
master_trainer_pat says, "No, we really haven't
received any info about Neo 4 yet."
darkmt_mike says, "If he is in there!"
darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question
#343 from gentle_magmar: Will the backs of the cards change for Neo 5 or do
you guys not know yet?
darkmaster_steve says, "don't know yet.
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#378 from mechachu: The PCL man from Japan was using Pokemon Web cards. Any
idea when those might be out?
master_trainer_pat says, "In english? Nope."
master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question
#397 from soslowpoke: Any plans on releasing VS in english or changing the
card backs to the ones the Japanese use now?
master_trainer_pat says, "There isn't any news of
that set being released yet."