
December 15, 2000

First off I want to clarify the mix-up on Pojo's front page yesterday.
According to WotC's Chat Schedule, they should already be on Winter Break.
Fortunately, one of my "Team Compendium" colleagues contacted Wizards'
Customer Service and found that the break does not actually start until next
week.  So the Chat went on as scheduled.  Sorry if there was any confusion,

Since this is the first week that people actually have their hands on Neo:
Genesis cards, there were LOTS of questions and rulings to be asked &
discussed.  I imagine there will be even more after everybody unwraps their
Christmas presents, so tune in to the next chat on Jan 4, 2001 to join in
the fun.

Not much in the way or other non-rulings news, but I'll give you what we



master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #13 from
        any New neo news??
master_trainer_pat says, "We've been getting our first looks at Neo 2, which
looks pretty cool."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #56 from soslowpoke:
        What will Neo2 be called?
master_trainer_mike says, "I'm pushing for Neo 2: The Minty Fresh set"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #69 from pika_wan:
        When does the next Neo expansion release?
master_trainer_mike says, "when the flowers bloom TRA LA!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "around April we think."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #167 from
        Are you going to stick with the old "english" layout (base set,
Jungle,fossil, TR) or go with the new layout(GYM CHALLENGE, Heroes) for the
next set??
master_trainer_pat says, "We'll have to wait and see."


master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #27 from
        Any promo news??
master_trainer_pat says, "Nothing new to announce on that front."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #49 from soslowpoke:
        Is Togepi the next league promo?
master_trainer_pat says, "Not tellin'"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #145 from
        Any news on Promo cards 29+?
master_trainer_mike says, "not yet"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #159 from
        Will there be a Promo in the next NP??
master_trainer_mike says, "dunno"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #25 from gooman:
        how will we know if we won a birthday pikachu card from the contest?
master_trainer_pat says, "You'd have to keep checking the website...or wait
for your card to show."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #39 from kis21x:
        are the results of B-Day Pikachu contest up yet?
master_trainer_pat says, "Nope."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #65 from soslowpoke:
        was the B-Day Pika contest a drawing or first 30,000 recieved?
master_trainer_pat says, "They told us it was random, but we've heard

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #112 from
        In your best estimation....  When do you think the results of the
B-DayPika contest will be on the website..??
master_trainer_mike says, "absolutely no idea, probably not until the new
year though"
master_trainer_pat says, "We really don't know."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #162 from
        Is B-Day Pika Holo or Non-Holo for the contest?? Non-Holo or Holo
for PKMN League?? How is it distributed for League...points....just giving
them out??
master_trainer_pat says, "Holo...Holo...and special activity."


master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #126 from
        When is League 2 coming out?
master_trainer_mike says, "starts Jan 6th"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #171 from
        Will the 2nd league season badges be in the same format as the 1st
season ones? (Ie. league logo with badge picture underneath, on a rectangle
shaped badge)?
master_trainer_mike says, "yes they will be the same format"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #14 from marril2000:
        3. Can you say what one of the challenges for the Pokémon Trading
Card Game League 2 that are supposed to stop you in your tracks?
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #17 from marril2000:
        4. Are the League Challenges that stop you in your tracks, do you
have to do the challenge to continue earning the badge?
master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #18 from marril2000:
        5. What color/shape is the stamper for year 2 of the league?
master_trainer_mike says, "no, you have to wait"
master_trainer_pat says, "Sorry, but no."


master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #170 from
        Is there going to be a central STS or any STS next summer??
master_trainer_pat says, "There will be at least one STS, but the location
has not been announced yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #201 from
        Will there be any more STS's, even in the light of recent downsizing
due to profit plateau on Pokemon, as stated in a recent Wizards Press
master_trainer_mike says, "yes they are in the panning stages"
master_trainer_mike says, "err planning"


master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #174 from soslowpoke:
        Will there be anymore Top Deck Magazine?
master_trainer_mike says, "no, it is being discontinued"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #131 from toshin007:
        how do you guys feel about TopDeck going off the shelves??? how else
can we get your Puzzles?: )
master_trainer_mike says, "not happy but we are working towards giving you
more content on our web site"
master_trainer_pat says, "No smiles here about that...we'd like to find
other avenues for writing Pokemon articles though"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #231 from
        Why must TopDeck leave us? We're sad. =(
master_trainer_mike says, "so are we"
master_trainer_pat says, "We are too, believe us!"

(Pojo devilishly rubs hands together thinking ..."One less mag to contend with".  Just kidding.  I've had a subscription to Top Deck / Duelist for years!!!!  And I'm going to miss it!!!  It is a great magazine. ... secretary ... get Will on the phone!)


master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #237 from sanochu64:
        why is wizards stopping top deck it was sooooooooooo good
master_trainer_mike says, "fiscal issues"


master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #191 from
        Will you be here next week??
master_trainer_pat says, "No.  We'll be here answering the phones though for
your post-holiday Neo questions"

master_trainer_mike says, "Ok gang, Merry Xmas!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "See you all back here next year (assuming time
doesn't stop or anything)."
master_trainer_pat says, "Have a very happy holiday and don't eat the
Grammas fruit cake"
master_trainer_mike says, "darn, I like her cake....."
master_trainer_pat says, "Bye."

Happy Holidays to all,

