trading card game we're all familiar with is getting even better!
Nintendo is releasing expansions for the Pokemon-e Trading Card Game.
Because it’s the same game, all cards are 100% compatible with current
and previous cards!
Pokemon EX Sandstorm arrives with 108 cards packed with even more
EXciting new features. EX Sandstorm unleashes brand new evolved forms
of Pokemon, such as Wailord-ex, Typhlosion-ex, and Raichu-ex. On top
of this, players will now have the ability to use new Trainer cards,
Multi-energy cards, and new powers like "Link Attack". Adding over 50
new Pokemon, more Poke-attacks, and more Poke-powers, Pokemon-e EX
Sandstorm is a must have for all trainers!
(Editor's Note: ADV 2, the Japanese expansion
that Sandstorm is based off of, contained only 53 cards. EX: Sandstorm
contains 108 cards. What is taking it's place? Fossil Cards. As of
right now, Pojo.com does know that Mysterious Fossil is being
reprinted in this set as a colorless type with twenty more hit points.
What other cards are going to be reprinted for Modified Play? Who
knows? This is one expansion you do not want to miss!)
Each booster pack contains: 1 foil, 1 rare, 2 uncommon, and 5 common
Each Preconstructed Starter
(Caravan and Oasis) contains: 60 cards total, rules booklet,
1 foil card, damage counters, list of cards, and a game coin. There
are two different pre-constructed Starter Decks (Caravan and Oasis).