This is Steve McLaughlin, Premier Events Coordinator with Pokémon USA. I’d
like to get the word out about the upcoming City Championships program, and
I’d like you and your message boards to help me.
The City Championship events will run across North America in February, and
are meant to get players in their local stores, competing for the title of
City Champion. Anyone can apply to run their City Championship event, and we
want as many people to do so as possible. We’re hoping for 150 City
Championship events across the continent, and that will take many, many
interested volunteers.
City Championships will be packed in close together, and no City will be
left out. For example, Oakland and San Francisco will both be allowed to
hold their own championship event, even though they are so close together.
We may even divide New York City into sections if we get several eligible
Check out the below website for full details.
Stephen McLaughlin
Pokémon Organized Play