
May 17, 2002 - by CHRISBO

Well, the release of Legendary Collection is getting closer & closer; you can almost taste it (::chrisbo spits paper wads out of his mouth::). Also, don't forget all the continuing Challenge Series and other events that are coming soon. Finally, we have some fun quotes for the Star Wars fans, in honor of Episode II being released this week.

May the force be with you, and Pikachu too,


darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #147 from crosstrainer:
Sorry, Mike, I was late arriving, what is the status on LC?
master_trainer_pat says, "It releases the last week of May."
master_trainer_mike says, "Still coming out later this month."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #205 from prof_kris:
This may not be in your WotC department, but when customers buy the new LC
product from the Wizards online store, will they be shipped out the same
date that they will be shipped out to businesses /stores?
master_trainer_mike says, "Usually that is the case as far as trying to
match up release dates. Product is usually sent to stores a bit earlier as
it takes longer to get through the distribution channel."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #120 from xeodus:
Will we be seeing art changes for cards in Legendary Collection? Can you
comment on it?
darkmt_mike says, "It is all the original art...we will save original for

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #122 from marril2000:
hey mike, any possible way to comment on the card layout for LC? (ex. gym:
heroes layout was different than neo...)
darkmt_mike says, "Nope."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #157 from steel_claw:
What will the Legendary set's expansion symbol look like?
master_trainer_pat says, "We have not seen it yet...sorry."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #171 from pojosamawannabe:
Will the Box Toppers in LC be unique cards or will they be larger cards that
are already in the set?
darkmt_mike says, "Wait and see!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #195 from mt_icecold:
It has been said that every card in Legendary will have a holo form correct?
If so will there be holo energies in the set?
darkmt_mike says, "Not basics."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #187 from lizardotc:
Were there some at WotC who argued for the inclusion of BS Electabuzz in LC
to give beleaguered Lightning decks a decent chance once Rocket's Zapdos
rotates out of MF?
master_trainer_mike says, "Let's just say that we had our opinions, Japan
had theirs, in some cases they matched, in some cases they did not."
darkmt_mike says, "Yes some of us did."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #142 from pigdeon_of_death:
Do you guys REALLY think that LC will sell??? I think that if it's just
"old" cards, there will be really no reason for people to buy it... ya
know??? Drafting can't support an entire set!
darkmt_mike says, "It is selling like mad already."
master_trainer_mike says, "Then don't buy it if it isn't for you."
master_trainer_pat says, "We understand it isn't for everyone"
master_trainer_mike says, "If not for this set you would have had a long
window of no new product, that would have been bad for the overall brand."
darkmt_mike says, "Have you seen the responses on the Gym?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #143 from skywolf9653:
Is one of the purposes of the LC set, to encourage, sealed deck play?
darkmt_mike says, "That's one!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Also, so new players can try and get many of the
older cards."
darkmt_mike says, "Many people don't have these cards."
master_trainer_mike says, "It is frustrating to join into something late and
feel like you can never catch up."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #144 from chrisbo:
Just to clarify, once LC is released the Modified format will still allow
the Team Rocket, Gym: Heroes, and Gym: Challenge expansions until August,
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes."
master_trainer_mike says, "The Modified format will officially change with
the new floor rules on 9/1/02"


darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #183 from skywolf9653:
Any news on the Card E reader, and its projected release date?
darkmt_mike says, "Nope."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #156 from
RE: 142, MTM you said there would be a long window of no new product, does
that rule out Card E for Worlds?
master_trainer_mike says, "Dates not released yet."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #175 from mt_icecold:
if card E will be released, will there be a Nintendo game with an E card
reader to go along with it? I'm assuming there will be as Nintendo already
released a demo and one of their shows with 5 special SAMPLE E cards.
darkmt_mike says, "Ya. We hope so!"


master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #182 from
When will Worlds be?
master_trainer_mike says, "August 3rd and 4th"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #130 from monkeyman8889:
You stated later that worlds was a two day event so does this mean that
there will be 2 Main events aka Day 1 and Day 2?
darkmt_mike says, "One main tournament lasting over both days."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #145 from monkeyman8889:
Can you please explain how you plan too make a Tourney last 2 days?
darkmt_mike says, "Very long tape."
master_trainer_mike says, "You run so many rounds the first day, then have a
cut off for the second day."
master_trainer_mike says, "We also will be running many different ancillary
events so anyone that doesn't make the second day cut will still have plenty
of play opportunities for them."
darkmt_mike says, "What he said...and long tape!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #146 from prof_kris:
Any information on World's formats or invites? By when can we expect
complete information if not given tonight?
master_trainer_mike says, "It is 2 1/2 months away gang. That is a long time
in the event world. We are very busy getting ready for Origins, Gen Con,
Magic events, Star Wars events, Harry Potter, Chain Mail, D&D, and oh yeah
Pokemon. We will get info up as soon as we can :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #153 from
What exactly is the format going to be for Worlds and such?
master_trainer_mike says, "We will post that soon."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #160 from pigdeon_of_death:
Will Worlds be invite-only????
darkmt_mike says, "For the main tournaments only!"
darkmt_mike says, "All the other stuff will not be!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #170 from mt_icecold:
will there be anything for people who didn't win a trip to worlds to do if
they are attending worlds and are not yet a professor?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. Lots!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #176 from mt_icecold:
is there any other way besides winning a trip to be allowed to play in
master_trainer_mike says, "Invitations will be given out to high ranked DCI
players, high finishers from the last 2 STS's and so on."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #185 from mt_icecold:
Re Question #176 What is considered a "high" DCI to be qualified for and
master_trainer_mike says, "Once again I will speak plainly. When we have the
information ready, we will tell you."


master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #188 from mt_icecold:
where and when is Gen Con?
master_trainer_mike says, "Milwaukee, OH"
darkmt_mike says, "August 8-12 in Milwaukee."
master_trainer_mike says, "details about it are on our web site"
darkmt_mike says, "WI"
master_trainer_mike says, "errr wisconsin"
master_trainer_mike says, "one of those mid-west states"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #162 from soslowpoke:
Will you be holding that same Pokemon Arena style event like you did last
year at GenCon again?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #194 from soslowpoke:
Will there be a Pokemon event at Gen Con where you'd pay 5 dollars and then
after every game, you'd report and pull from the box of cards like last
master_trainer_mike says, "That would be the Pokemon Arena, it will be
pretty much the same as last year"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #179 from soslowpoke:
Do you have any info on the Pokemon event for GenCon?
master_trainer_mike says, "It will be a Team Multiplayer Limited event. Each
2 player team will be given an amount of boosters, they will then work
together to create 2 decks out of it that they will compete with."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #168 from mt_icecold:
what exactly is happening at origins with the team multiplayer thing? Like
costs, prizes and so forth.
darkmt_mike says, "Still happening . Some info is on the Origins web site."
darkmt_mike says, "The rest is being planned."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #172 from sd_pokemom:
Regarding Origins: since there will obviously be a large number of Profs
attending, it's apparent that many will want to judge. But it appears that
the vast majority of Pokemon events at Origins are 'locked up' by outside
concerns that many of us have no means of contact with. Will Wizards be
working with these TOs to get its Profs attending Origins for the Profs
events into events they wish to judge/assist on?
master_trainer_mike says, "That is a good suggestion. I will talk with the
main to and see what he would like done."


darkmt_mike says, "Hello all! The Dark Master here!"
darkmt_mike says, "Pat and Mike have been..detained by Gengar"
darkmt_mike says, "One or both will be here soon."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #119 from purity1:
Didn't Pat and Mike really ditch work to see Attack of the Clones? and
Gengar's taking the heat
darkmt_mike says, "No! We saw it the day before it released thanks to Lucas

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #198 from slowking_man:
So, since you've seen Episode II, how'd you like it?
darkmt_mike says, "I thought the fight scenes were good."
master_trainer_mike says, "I saw Joey Fatone in the Jedi fight scene!"
darkmt_mike says, "No you didn't!"
master_trainer_mike says, "oh, maybe I didn't...."
master_trainer_mike says, "but I did see Indiana Jones in the bar scene!"
darkmt_mike says, "No you didn't!"
master_trainer_mike says, "oh....errrrr........"
darkmt_mike says, "This is not the Jones you're looking for!"
master_trainer_mike says, "I saw Yoda wearing sneakers in one quick scene, I
think they missed that in editing!"
darkmt_mike says, "Oh I saw that!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Yeah!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #201 from mt_icecold:
in Ep 2 does Yoda really fight?
master_trainer_mike says, "he does get rather aggressive......."
darkmt_mike says, "Ya! Nimble little guy!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #202 from lizardotc:
We know that Pokémon and M: tG have different target audiences; what is the
target audience for Star Wars TCG?
darkmt_mike says, "Bothans?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #203 from chrisbo:
Well, I have heard that Bothans make good targets. :-p
darkmt_mike says, "Yes they do!"
