Here are the first two cards of the up coming Card-E(E-Card
for the Japanese sets)set due out in August in ENGLISH. These two cards
were part of a seal promotional card pack with two other "E"
type cards. This pack was given out at the E3(game Expo) by Nintendo!
The cards have the following info on them:
So the First Card-E english set will have 165 cards in it! The
Japanese first E-Card set had only 128 cards. Add to it the 29 card
"Starter" set and you are still 8 cards short. The E-Card
"Starter" set also had unnumbered energy cards; so if we add
these(and this is a BIG ""IF"", then we are still 2
cards shy! They look great!
Check out the cards here!
Thanks to Chuck for the scans!