New Japanese Pokemon Card set to debut in Early ‘03

A new set of Pokemon cards are coming out in Japan
early next year. Very early! At the end of January 2003, the “ADV” Pokemon
set will debut. ADV stands for Advanced Adventure! This set will be
different than the “normal” Pokemon cards and sets. Much like the “VS” set
of the past, this new set is going off into another direction. The cards
are available in three different “Half-Deck” packs (just like VS), each
cost 900 Yen (about $7.50 as of 12/16/02). There will also be expansion
packs (Booster) costing 300 Yen and containing eleven cards. The most
interesting feature of this set is the different format of the cards; gone
is the “E”-card information strip. This new set will highlight the new
Pokemon from the Ruby/Sapphire Gameboy Advance games. This new game will
also have rules for 2 on 2 gaming, just like the Gameboy game!

WAIT! There is more. McDonalds is
getting in on the act again as well. Starting on 01/17/2003, McDonalds
stores in Japan will be offering Promo cards (the number is unknown at
this time; but my guess is 9) featuring the new format and the familiar
“McDonalds” Promo logo. A purchase of a “Happy Meal” is required in order
to get a card.
More information when it becomes available!