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"The Unseen Decks"
February 17, 2006
When you ask what sort of
decks people might run, there are a number of basic and
often used decks that come up. Things such as Priests, Chibi,
Wolves, Main Heros, Spawn and so forth. These are some of
the often used terms and decks used. I've played a good
number of them if not actually play with them.
However, I was looking through a lot of old and new cards
and realized there are a lot more decks out there to try
playing. They may not be as effective, but deck ideas they
are. I figured I'd try scanning through a few and maybe this
will peak someone's interest and they'll let me know how the
deck works.
Miroku Gots All The Ladies
When most people use Miroku in their deck, he's usually
played in a Priest deck. The bonus and additional ability
help you get back or save your priestesses. However, there
are a new of cards to suggest people to try and play a "Miroku
deck. Curious? Well, a number of events and characters need
Miroku in play in order to gain abilities. Let's take a card
from way back that a number of people probably forgot.
"Things to Come". If Miroku and Sango are both in play, you
get a "Gone Fishing" effect without the draw. Ok. Not too
bad. I do like to see what I'll draw and discard. "Koharu"
can't be attacked while you control "Miroku" and gives
everyone 'cute' and "Perverted Monk" Miroku lets you search
for Koharu.
The wind tunnel allows you to kill a character that Miroku
just defeated and Hachi can re-ready him. I know that are
more, but that should be enough to get you thinking.
Raid the Armory
This deck idea came from looking at "Totosai, Sword Maker"
and "Totosai, Old Fool". The basic premise of the deck is
you run Totosais and Kajinbos and then any non-unique
swarm-type characters. The other half of the deck are all
items. Jewels, Tetsusaigas, Tokijins, etc. Every turn your
characters should be packin' enough heat to take down a
small army. The addition of "Baggage" in the new set only
helps this deck idea.
An Old Romance
Inuyasha and Kikyo. This is a relationship one would think
would be better represented in the card game as it has as
much happening in it and has as many undertones as Inuyasha
and Kagome. "Some things never change" is really the only
card that comes to mind that directly ties these two
together in the game. Though, I think it may become a bit
more evident in the next few sets. deck type that should be (hopefully) out after
Shichinintai FOREVER!
OMG! I am so looking forward to building this deck. It'll be
Human Evil Supernatural characters. They will be big, bad
and in charge. They will help one another...well...most of
them will. Ooooo! I can't wait.
UMaine Animation Club President
UpperDeck Demo Team Leader
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