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The Anti-Meta: A Seldom Used Strategy
April 12, 2006
When I say the term "Meta", either one of 3 things go
through your mind:
1) [New Players] What's a meta?
2) I run that
3) Hate "Meta". Everyone runs it.
So, the new players will learn quickly what the meta is
which leaves two thoughts. These boil down to "I love it" or
"I hate it". To love the meta is to play the meta. To play
the meta usually brings around victory, thus that idea
explains itself. So now some of you are thinking "Why hate
the meta? All the top tier players run it and it works, so
just run it" or something to that nature. Well, here's where
things can get messy.
I'm not a huge fan on when a card game has a meta or a top
tier of decks which usually consist of somewhere around 1-5
deck types in a meta. This immediately boils down the
"effective" card options to less 5% of all available cards
in a game.
Also, games make tons or deck types for players to use, but
people will get stuck to very few. As the meta progresses,
more and more people run it. People copy of websites of
other decks in hopes of winning in their area. Then, in one
dark tournament...everyone is running the same
2-3 decks. At this point, the meta will reset itself,
recollect, intro some cards, and the cycle begins anew.
So, is there a point to this rambling? Why of course and
I'll put it in the context of a videogame. Say you and your
buddy threw in a fighting game. When you start, your friend
only uses two moves...let's say a shooting one and a
punching combo.
That's it. Only two. Now, when playing them, do you devise a
strategy around both moves to then attack your opponent or
do you in turn use only the same moves?
I'm hoping you picked the first option. Of course if you see
the same thing over and over, you devise a way around it to
create a better winning situation. So, if that seems like it
makes sense, why wouldn't it in the card gaming world. In
InuYasha, if everyone in your area plays Demons, would you
in turn play Demons or would you built a Slayer or Priest
deck? In FMA, if the top players play Homunculus, would you
as well or would you play another faction w/ anti-homunculus
(Arcane Prison for example)? To win in a game with meta, it
makes little sense to me to fight the metagame with the same
metagame. If you know what's being played, wouldn't it make
more sense to run something that is the anti of that deck.
If the meta is Blue Control, run a Green deck built for
anti-control. If the meta became a speed deck, run a deck
meant to slow the game down. It really makes sense to me
that, if you want to win in a meta environment, you'd run
the anti-meta.
I would like to see what people can come up with for
anti-meta deck across several games. Post your ideas on the
forums and we could start a whole new way of thinking about
the game.
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage