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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day
Inuyasha, Enraged Demon
INUYASHA defeats a character with a higher deck cost
than him, ready INUYASHA.
Type - Character
Card Number - 131
Card Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.13.05 |

Matthew Low |
Inuyasha, Enraged Demon - Inuyasha Kijin
Ultra Rare - 131
Character - Deck Cost 3
4R 3P 2G
When INUYASHA defeats a character with a higher deck
cost than him, ready INUYASHA.
This is probably the worst UR in the game as it has
the least playbility of any of them. Nearly every
Inuyasha is more useful than this one. He has all
extremely low colors, and the cost is way too high.
His effect will work on only a select few characters
in the environment, and to top that off, he won't
even hit half of them.
Pull him and chuck him in the collection folder
because he doesn't really do much.
1.1 out of 5.0
Ryu Juini |
Inuyasha, Enraged Demon
Ultra Rare
Deck Cost: 3
Card Text:
When INUYASHA defeats a character with a higher deck
cost than him, ready INUYASHA.
Colors: 4 Red, 3 Purple, 2 Green
Traits: Demon, Good, Human, Male, Unique
Alright, this card is a tad overhyped by people who
don't have experience in this game. Basically,
Inuyasha can go on a rampage if your opponent is
playing with a bunch of 4 or 5 cost characters....
There's the problem. No one uses characters that
cost that high save for "Midoriko, Creator of the
Shikon Jewel", some other Ultra's possibly, and
maybe one to three other characters.
In other words, you're not getting this effect. Even
if you do, guess what? With Inuyasha's weak colors,
he may not even get a chance to kill one of those 4
or 5 cost characters. They all have very high
colors. If that wasn't his problem, he's going to be
attacked first if he's a threat.
Low colors for a 3 cost, good effect but too
situational. Maybe if he was a 2 drop....
Casual: 3/5 - Sure, people are dumb. They'll throw
all kinds of 4 and 5 cost characters in.
Tournament: 2/5 - The odd's of you pulling this off
are bad. Period.
Art: 3/5 - It's a pretty good picture of a pissed
off Inuyasha.
Sprtsfanjp |
Inuyasha, Enraged Demon
Ultra Rare
Deck Cost: 3
Expansion: Kijin
Text: When INUYASHA defeats a character with a
higher deck cost than him, ready INUYASHA.
Well up until Kassen, There was an ultra rare
Inuyasha character in every set. (In Kassen,
Inuyasha is a Hidden Rare) Inuyasha, Enraged Demon
is probably the least playable of all of them.
First, His colors are very low
at: 4 red, 3 purple, and 2 green, meaning he is
meant to have an item like "Tetsusaiga Transformed"
or "Shikon Jewel half completed" attached to him to
even make it possible for his effect to work.
Second, his deck cost is 3, meaning he would need to
defeat a character with a deck cost of at least 4
for his effect to activate. So, you would need (In
addition to having this card in your hand) 1. An
item (or event) that raises his attack.
2. Your opponent to play a character with a deck
cost above 3.
3. Inuyasha's colors must match or exceed your
opponents like colors.
Against decks that feature several of the high
priced hidden rares such as:
Kagura, Koga, Muso, this card gains some play value,
but many decks right now use characters with a lower
or equal to deck cost than Inuyasha, enraged demon.
Casual: 2/5 Stick with Inuyasha, Bodyguard or
Inuyasha, Legends
Tournament: 2.5/5 You might run into a Kagura hidden
or two, but bodyguard or legends is a better choice.
Art: 2/5 Inuyasha looks very upset!
steven davis |
Inuyasha, Enraged Demon
Inuyasha, Enraged demon is a very situational card.
for his ability to activate u have to defeat a
character with a higher deck cost then him which in
his case a character with a deck cost of 4 or 5. and
with only a few decks out there that might play
characters with deck cost higher then 3, those being
spawns and priest/ess, i would not relay to much on
his and his colors do not help his cause. overall
Enraged demon is not a very good card and there are
way better Inuyasha out there to play like
bodyguard, protector, and the hidden rare, if u want
to start a hero mains or inuyasha character based
Casual: 1/5 he just not worth playing, unless he the
only one u got
Tournament: 0.5/5 if u want to get far in a inu
tourney do not play him
Art: 3/5 average, there nothing really special about
him in this pic
Rob F |
Inuyasha, Enraged Demon
interesting card for today. for the longest time i
used this in my inuyasha/ kagome team-up deck when i
was first starting out (managed a tetsusaiga
transformed in each of the 3 boxes i bought). Its an
interesting card that doesn't see alot of play due
to its weak colors at a cost of 3. 4-3-2 for a 3 DC
doesn't seem like much, especially for an ultra
rare. however its the game breaking effect that
makes it worth while. if it defeats a character of 4
or greater deck cost, it can ready. this allows for
more attacks or expending powers, which can win
games. however, the amount of played characters of
that deck cost are slim. with a combination of
tetsusaiga transformed, tetsusaiga red, or the wind
scar, he will be able to stay on the field longer
till he's in a match-up against a higher cost
charcter. so if you run a low amount of inuyasha
support or none at all, don't use him.
1.8/5 (too costly with situational effect)