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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day
Sango, the Demon Slayer
Sango gains +3 to all colors
when attacking a Demon. When Sango defeats a Demon,
draw 2 cards.
Type - Character
Card Number - 95
Card Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.23.05 |

Matthew Low |
Sango, the Demon Slayer - Inuyasha Kijin
Rare - 95
6B 3W 4R
Deck Cost 3
Sango gains +3 to all colors when attacking a Demon.
When Sango defeats a Demon, draw 2 cards.
Back in the day, this Sango was one of the best
characters. Demons were all over the place, so she
got her bonus more often than not. Though now that's
not always the case, which makes her a lot less
useful than before. Her colors aren't horrible, but
a weak stat (3) and semi weak (4) with one strong
(6) makes her a little on the maybe side. Against a
Demon she can hit with pretty much any of the three
colors, but against others, she can be an easy
The bad part is she loses her draw 2 ability, which
is also a big key. Slayers revolves around Demons
and using these abilities, and while it may seem
that hand advantage would be helpful, Sango has
other options like Scarred Warrior and Legends that
are also quite nice.
Overall she's not completely horrible, but just a
bit overshadowed as more other Sangos seem to take
her light.
2.8 out of 5.0
Ryu Juini |
Sango, the Demon Slayer
Deck Cost: 3
Card Text:
Sango gains +3 to all colors when attacking a Demon.
When Sango defeats a Demon, draw 2 cards.
Colors: 6 Black, 3 White, 4 Red
Traits: Cute, Female, Good, Human, Slayer, Unique
One of the best Sango's around for Inuyasha and
Company, and in Slayer Decks! Sango brings power to
either deck as she is THE Demon Slayer in the game
right now. She also helps fill your hand (but go
through your deck too fast. This game doesn't always
like going through decks fast).
In Inuyasha and Company, run her or Sango, Slayer of
Demons. Either works quite well, both being powerful
and deadly.
In Slayer Decks, you have the choices of...
Sango, the Demon Slayer
Sango, Passionate Demon Slayer
Sango, (Legends)
Personally, Legend's can become one of the most
powerful characters in the game. Passionate Demon
Slayer can become insane, and the Demon Slayer can
fell most Demon's easily, but drawing cards too fast
is bad.
That's why Legends fetches out Hiraikotsu and makes
herself deadlier, and then borrows other Slayer's
effects and becomes twice as deadly. All in all,
Sango, (Legends) is probably the best choice for a
Slayer Deck.
Casual Inuyasha and Company: 4/5
Casual Slayer Deck: 3/5
Tournament Inuyasha and Company: 3/5
Tournament Slayer Deck: 2.5/5
Art: I like it, really. Kirara is in there so it's a
Rob F |
Sango, the Demon Slayer
looks like tetsusaiga won't save inuyasha now. the
best slayer from kijin is here for review. slightly
weaker than yesterday's card, but its still decent.
its effect really pulls this card together. when
attacking a demon,it gets +3 to its attacking
color(s). very powerful boost, and can be sinister
if paired with her father. usually with that boost
it can kill almost everything. then if it defeats
that demon, u can draw 2 cards. although drawing
cards will thin your deck and bring u closer to
losing, 2 cards might determine whether you have
access to that one event that you need from your
deck or a charcter u need for saving another.
options are good, and like most TCGs, big hands are
good. use this card in a slayer deck, and its not
hard to get, considering the starter deck thing
gives you 5. so why not use it
Duelist |
Sango, the Demon Slayer
6 Black
3 White
4 Red
Cute, Female, Good, Human, Slayer, Unique
Deck Cost: 3
Sango gains +3 to all colors when attacking a Demon.
When Sango defeats a Demon, draw 2 cards.
This version of Sango is pretty situational outside
of a Slayer deck. In a non-Slayer deck, if you are
up against a deck that doesn’t run even one demon,
Sango won’t contribute much.
In a Slayer deck, the chances of using her effect
are quite high since Sango’s Father, Demon Slayer
makes it so all of your opponent’s characters gain
the "Demon" trait while he is in play. Not to
mention, he gives Slayer characters +1 to all colors
when attacking a Demon, increasing the bonus given
to Sango when attacking a Demon to +4.
The card drawing effect is great for the early-mid
game, allowing the player the potential of drawing
into key cards such as On the Move and Halt!
However, late game when decks are running low on
cards, the effect can actually work against you. In
a deck that runs this version of Sango, a few
regeneration cards and working fast to win the game
as quickly as possible are good ideas.
I would recommend running this version of Sango in a
Slayer deck only. However, Sango, the Demon Slayer
might not be the best one to run. Sango, the Scarred
Warrior can’t be attacked by non-unique Demons and
when she defeats a Demon, it is sent back to the
opponent’s hand. Sango, Legends searches the deck
for a copy of Hiraikotsu and allows Sango to use the
effect of any other Slayer in play. Both of those
versions are great and there are many other Sango's
that have their own way of helping Slayer decks so
it is most likely up to a player’s preference when
deciding which one to choose.
Slayer Deck: 3.5/5
Non-Slayer Deck: 2.5/5 - You’re either up against a
deck with at least one Demon in it or you are not.